View Full Version : Does this happen to anyone else?

08-04-2013, 08:25 PM
I've been intensely anxious for like 3 weeks I guess.. (the reason being my breakup and a few things) I've had several full blown panic attacks, been tearful, restless and just over-all very depressed..

but today, I've felt relaxed all day, like I just couldn't really get anxious, it was slightly cooler outside, and I enjoyed the weather, yet in the back of my mind I keep saying "why do I feel relaxed? this is normal" so it's like part of me wants to relax and enjoy myself, but the other half doesn't want to..

I've just felt so bad for like 2 months now, feeling better just feels weird and uncomfortable, I feel there's no reason to relax because things are still so uncertain.. Does anyone else have this happen to them? And do you know why it happens?

08-04-2013, 08:31 PM
sounds like intrusive thoughts

Dave Tupper
08-04-2013, 09:02 PM
It happens to me. I go through weeks and months sometimes where I feel on edge with high anxiety. I begin worrying about something I normally worry about but then it turns into worrying about everything else and every sensation and I keep these thoughts and worries until I eventually get over them. I feel like its chemicals in my brain and during the high stress and anxiety times they just fill my brain but then over time the chemicals run down or run out so I am able to relax again. I also question when i finally do feel normal if things are normal and if something is wrong with me and why am I so relaxed.

I dont know if that is the answer but I think it may be a plausible explanation.

08-04-2013, 09:18 PM
I know exactly what your talking about, I get anxiety cause I feel normal. I tell myself omg what's wrong why do I feel ok when just a few moments ago I felt like shit. Then I remember why they call it a chemical emballance. Anxiety is a S.O.B

08-04-2013, 10:58 PM
With health anxiety, we obsessively monitor our bodily functions. Changes trigger the adrenaline reaction. You have just gotten so used to feeling anxious that feeling normal is now the strange sensation, triggering more anxiety. Such fun, huh?