View Full Version : Celexa nightmare

08-04-2013, 05:25 PM
Hello everyone! I'm new here and wanted to share my experience with celexa and see if anyone has had a similar experience. I posted this in the medication forum but will post it here as well because it seems this forum gets more traffic. So I've been suffering from anxiety and depression for the last 4-6 months. I get really nervous over nothing like going to eat with friends or watching a ball game in the evening at my house. So I went to the psychiatrist and was prescribed celexa 10 mg for five days and then told to up the dosage to 20 mg. I was also prescribed trazodone to help me sleep. So I took the meds as instructed and the only side effect I experienced was a bit of insomnia on the 5th day. On day 6 I increased my dosage as instructed and I felt nauseous all day. That evening I began to feel really weird. I was grinding my teeth, so I went in the bathroom to splash some water on my face and try and calm down and i noticed that my pupils were fully dilated. I started sweating profusely and was just pacing up and down my hallway and really beginning to freak out. Finally it got to be too much to handle and I called my mother and told her to come and get me and take me to the hospital because I was dying. The doctor at the ER told me I just had a panic attack and gave me a shot of Ativan and sent me on my way. I didn't sleep at all that night and the next day my teeth were still grinding and my pupils were still huge. I called my doctor and she said discontinue the meds and she would call in a prescription for Zoloft for me to start taking next week. I'm just super scared right now and I feel as though I might have had a mild case of serotonin syndrome so I'm scared to take more SSRI's. has anyone experienced anything similar to this. I just really need advice because I'm super scared and freaked out right now. Worried ill never get back to normal. Sorry for the long post. Thanks!

08-04-2013, 05:33 PM
I am taking 10 mg of celexa, started with 5mg for two or three weeks. I noticed clenching my jaw. It seems to have gone away. I have been on 10mg for about six weeks.

08-04-2013, 05:34 PM
Sometimes the first tried med isn't right.

08-04-2013, 05:35 PM
Yeah, I think my dosage was increased too quickly. Only 5 days at 10 mg seemed too short of a duration. I'm supposed to start the zoloft next week so hopefully I tolerate it a bit better.