View Full Version : think i had a panic attack

08-04-2013, 10:18 AM
hi, found this forum while looking for answers on google.

feel pretty stupid today but also worried. im 26 and have never had a panic attack in my life. suddenly this morning i was watching tv, my partner just left to go to work when all of a sudden my heart started racing. i felt dizzy, sick, frightened, my palms started sweating and i thought i was going to die. i called an ambulance out of terror, they took my pulse (130bpm) and checked bp (fine) and blood sugar (fine). i went in to the hospital and after two hours of waiting the doctor saw me and said "try to relax and not worry, avoid drugs, alcohol and cigarettes"... and dismissed me after five minutes. i felt pretty stupid at the time because they told me nothing was wrong, but i felt as if i was about to die and it was scary as hell. now im living in fear about it happening again... which isnt good and is making me feel like crap.

i have no idea why this happened, it just came out of the blue with no warning or triggers. i wouldnt wish that feeling on my worst enemy.

but now i dont know what to do next.

08-04-2013, 10:55 AM
The most important thing is to relax and don't fear the fear. If you let it get a finger hold on your psyche, you will be trapped in a cycle of panic that is extremely hard to break free of. When the adrenaline is flowing, the brain locks onto whatever you are experiencing, whether it be driving, being alone, eating or whatever, and it will associate those things with your panic and start triggering on them again. Don't be afraid of it.