View Full Version : Feel guilty, gave in to my anxiety

08-04-2013, 05:33 AM
I was getting ready for bed. Feel very anxious. Cold feet, jumpy, lightheaded. I try not to do body checks and give in to the anxiety, but I couldn't help myself. Pulse 106 , bp 156 / 92. Now I'm worried about that because I know it is high, even though I know it is anxiety making it high. Wish I could just shut it off.

08-04-2013, 05:41 AM
I was getting ready for bed. Feel very anxious. Cold feet, jumpy, lightheaded. I try not to do body checks and give in to the anxiety, but I couldn't help myself. Pulse 106 , bp 156 / 92. Now I'm worried about that because I know it is high, even though I know it is anxiety making it high. Wish I could just shut it off.

I've seen u give so much good advice to others about anxiety, and giving re-assurance in helping them rationalise their thoughts.

Like u said, it's the anxiety making your bodily functions speed up. It's the adrenaline, and we know this. Ban yourself from body checks, as it'll only reinforce the vicious cycle that is anxiety.

What distraction works for u?

Also, don't feel guilty about anything!

08-04-2013, 06:08 AM
Thanks, future. I try to help when I can. I know how hard this can be for all of us. I'm a bit calmer now. It's silly, because I know know know 106 pulse is just barely high. Same with the bp. I'm not sure what set me off this morning. I can normally resist the OCD checking. I think it's probably my stomach. Ibs is acting up, and it just makes me nervous. Every time my belly rumbles or rolls those anxiety hormones go rushing through my body.

08-04-2013, 06:09 AM
I'm watching Big Bang theory. Tv helps distract me sometimes.

08-04-2013, 06:28 AM
Thanks, future. I try to help when I can. I know how hard this can be for all of us. I'm a bit calmer now. It's silly, because I know know know 106 pulse is just barely high. Same with the bp. I'm not sure what set me off this morning. I can normally resist the OCD checking. I think it's probably my stomach. Ibs is acting up, and it just makes me nervous. Every time my belly rumbles or rolls those anxiety hormones go rushing through my body.

It's the same for me mate but honestly as u say, it's the body's instant autonomic reaction of going into shock mode. It's about acknowledging the symptoms we feel as a mis interpretation of the brain and subconscious, and not necessarily fact.

I always say to myself that I was hear last week, last year, and the year before that, yet anxiety makes us feel like it's the last day. It's about reminding ourselves of this.

Comedy is always a good way to try Nd jolly ourselves up right!

08-04-2013, 09:20 AM
Ugh, I just cannot fall asleep this morning. Stomach is really bad, making noises and cramping. Each time, my anxiety jumps and makes me feel weird all over. Racing heart, chest tight. Can't stay out of the bathroom. I just want to go to sleep. Starting to think about taking a pill. It's not so bad when I am rested. But when I'm exhausted it feels so much worse.

08-04-2013, 02:37 PM
Cobra I know how you feel I try not to do body checks as well but this morning I gave in and checked my pulse woke up feeling awful this morning as well this anxiety really isn't nice go on you tube and watch some anxiety calm videos they are very good