View Full Version : Freaking Out About Pots!!

08-03-2013, 08:35 PM
For days now i've been thinking about pots
and to make matters worse I have some of the symptoms
ive been feeling dizzy/lightheaded
when i'm sitting my rhr is 50-64 and when I stand it jumps to 80-90
and i know if it increases 30 its pots
can you guys check and let me know if you guys are the same?

08-03-2013, 09:48 PM
My heart rate jumps when I stand, too, but only if I worry that it will rise when I stand up. Our minds are powerful things. I know there were some posts on here earlier this week where someone described having POTS. Unfortunately, hypochondriacs read things like that and it is almost like we get a hypnotic suggestion. We develop the very symptoms we read about. I know I never had heart palpitations until I read about them here. I would have a racing heart, but never palpitations. As soon as I read about them, though, I developed that anxiety symptom. In fact, I developed them that very night! I rolled over in bed, intending to sleep, and thought, Man, I hope I never get heart palpitations! Almost immediately, it felt like my heart jumped in my chest. That is one of the dangers of interacting on this forum. Hmmm, I wonder if we can do the exact opposite... Let's try it: By knowing that it is a hypochondriac reaction, our symptoms will be reduced in severity! Sometimes, they will even go away completely!

08-03-2013, 11:06 PM
Don't freak out.

You don't have pots.

It mainly happens to women in child bearing years. You have a great heart rate, and shouldn't worry about it at all. Seriously.

Everyone's heart rates rise while standing. Normal body reaction to gravity. You heart has to pump a bit faster for the blood to reach your brain so you don't pass out.

Pots patients are always tachacardic! You are not. You're fine. Please dont give it anymore of your time.

08-04-2013, 02:51 AM
What is pots???

08-04-2013, 05:07 PM
Don't freak out.

You don't have pots.

It mainly happens to women in child bearing years. You have a great heart rate, and shouldn't worry about it at all. Seriously.

Everyone's heart rates rise while standing. Normal body reaction to gravity. You heart has to pump a bit faster for the blood to reach your brain so you don't pass out.

Pots patients are always tachacardic! You are not. You're fine. Please dont give it anymore of your time.

It's just hard to accept when everyone online says it is pots.
On healthtap. C O M some doctors said that an increasing of 30 is too much
And I'm unfortunate at 30/:
That's why I feel doomed /:
Can you talk a little more about your symptoms please

08-04-2013, 05:42 PM
Ok I looked this up on google cause I didn't know what it was.. And it definitely sounds like me!! :(

08-04-2013, 05:53 PM
Ok I looked this up on google cause I didn't know what it was.. And it definitely sounds like me!! :(
You think it's just anxiety ?

08-04-2013, 06:01 PM
My heart races a lot. But it's very labile. Sometimes it'll beat fast, then slow, then thump. But everytime I stand my heart jumps 35-55 beats.

It would also be very unusual for a pots patient to not have tachycardia. That is one of the MAIN diagnosing factors. Not just a jump in heart rate, but a tachy heart rate.

My opinion for you, is a that your expecting it to happen. Psychosomatic...a self fulfilling prophecy.

Even if you had pots, or IST, or anything of the sort as I have....YOU WILL NOT DIE! It won't kill you. It won't weaken your heart. It won't lessen your lifespan. You just have to adapt to the symptoms, and try new ways of treatment.

Really. First thing first. STOP GOOGLING! you always find worst case scenarios. You won't find any help from it.

Find a way to distract yourself. Count from 300 backwards, and focus on the numbers.

08-04-2013, 06:13 PM
You think it's just anxiety ?

Idk Rickk90 cause I can't check my heart rate at home But when I'm sitting it doesn't race but if I even walk to the bathroom it races like no other, when I walk anywhere it races. I get so out of breath a lot and chest pain/discomfort. Can this POTS kill you?? I'm worried now!

08-04-2013, 06:13 PM
Who is everyone? And did you let them know you suffer from health anxiety?

08-04-2013, 06:23 PM
I've had health anxiety for over 6 years. It sucks.

But, I've come to terms with my body, and how I can't react to everything it does.

This is a very old thread that I started months ago when I was under extreme anxiety and trying to find answers. Someone reopened it.

08-04-2013, 06:24 PM
Sorry, my mistake. This thread is in response to an old one I started months ago.

08-04-2013, 07:40 PM
When you stand your blood pressure drops in a phenomenon called Orthostatic Hypotension. Your increased heart rate could be your body's way of compensating for the lowered BP. A heart rate of 90 is perfectly normal and not in any way dangerous. You may want to talk to a physician about your concerns and maybe getting on some meds for anxiety.