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08-03-2013, 04:55 AM
I've been feeling low nearly every day now lowest I've ever felt just nothing makes me happy ive got some anti depressants as I feel I need a little help suffered anxiety for 18 yrs most of my life but have dealt with it alone and have led a norm life ie had children married got a degree ect but it's the first time in my life I've felt depression this way it's hit me bad. Like I sd I have the tabs from my doc but just do scared to take them :( as I also have health anxiety and read side effects I just dnt want to feel worse I also started my training as a mental health nurse wen I was younger I never fin the training but I worked on a womens ward and I get scared of not being in control and how some if them women where also scares me too :(. Any help or advice would be nice spec on the med and side effect side plz

08-03-2013, 05:59 AM
I've been feeling low nearly every day now lowest I've ever felt just nothing makes me happy ive got some anti depressants as I feel I need a little help suffered anxiety for 18 yrs most of my life but have dealt with it alone and have led a norm life ie had children married got a degree ect but it's the first time in my life I've felt depression this way it's hit me bad. Like I sd I have the tabs from my doc but just do scared to take them :( as I also have health anxiety and read side effects I just dnt want to feel worse I also started my training as a mental health nurse wen I was younger I never fin the training but I worked on a womens ward and I get scared of not being in control and how some if them women where also scares me too :(. Any help or advice would be nice spec on the med and side effect side plz

For the love of God stay away from Google, we have a hard time coping with our tangible reality let alone the virtual one that for some reason always brings back the worst feedback and negative In nature.
As per the meds I am not a big fan of them but if you truly believe that the only way you can improve your life is by taking them then by all means do so. When you decide to take then which I have a feeling it will be soon make sure you do when you have company around. This will bring you comfort and ease, it will create a safe environment in your mind. You can do trust me, we all have been there at some point. Keep us updated cheers!!

08-03-2013, 06:06 AM
Rather than concentrate on the symptoms, focus on your thoughts, where your attention wanders when you are not mindful of them, and your attitude toward your feelings (this is bad, I am unhappy, will it never end). You got here because you have poor control of your thoughts and attitudes. You allow yourself to dwell on negative things. Today, practice being mindful of your present self, your senses and actions, rather than the past and the future. When you eat, concentrate fully on the taste of the food, the movement of your jaw and teeth and tongue. When you walk, concentrate on the movements of your body. When you watch tv, concentrate on the actors, what they say. Do not let your mind wander, but if it does, do not fight the thoughts, do not recoil from the unpleasant feelings, but try to maintain a neutral attitude toward them. Say to yourself, this is only a thought and has no power over me, then let it slip away. Your attention is like a flashlight. You can shine the light on unpleasant thoughts, and allow yourself to be tortured by them, or you can direct it toward neutral or more pleasant things. Learning to control your attention and attitude will free you from depression and anxiety.

08-03-2013, 06:11 AM
My hubby has taken 2 weeks off so he can be ther if I'm tierd or panicky and watch the kids. I still push my self to do stuff but hate feeling so low spec when it's sch hols and I've 3 children it's not fair on them seeing me like this. I'm usually against meds but I've thote I've managed life so far without and it's come back so maybe the chemical in my brain just need a little tweet and I'm on the waiting list for cbt and research says that meds and cbt are good at moving forward and not just masking the illness by tabs alone. But I am one of these that will worry about taking a paracetamol lol so I'm gna av to get it in my head these will get me better and not worry about side effects or my mind will make me feel them lol