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08-02-2013, 05:23 PM
PLACE YOUR HAND over your heart do you feel that?? That's called a purpose. Your alive for a reason DON'T ever forget it!! DON'T ever give up!! YOUR mind is a garden YOUR thoughts are seeds!!!! YOU can either grow flowers or YOU can either grow weeds!!! "A journey of a thousand miles BEGINS with a single STEP!!!! "SURRENDER to what is......LET go of what was......HAVE faith in what will be........;)

08-02-2013, 05:48 PM
PLACE YOUR HAND over your heart do you feel that?? That's called a purpose. Your alive for a reason DON'T ever forget it!! DON'T ever give up!! YOUR mind is a garden YOUR thoughts are seeds!!!! YOU can either grow flowers or YOU can either grow weeds!!! "A journey of a thousand miles BEGINS with a single STEP!!!! "SURRENDER to what is......LET go of what was......HAVE faith in what will be........;)

Nice ..... :-)