View Full Version : Any advice?

08-02-2013, 04:16 PM
I posted before but i wanted to get another opinion. Lately I have been under a lot of work stress, I work from home which is probably why i dont like going out. But anyways here it is.

Lately I feel like i am so tired when i first wake up even if i go to bed at 11. My shoulders and chest feel really heavy if i am walking, I also feel off balance like i am walking strange and get a little dizzy. If i sit down i dont notice it as much.

If i drink my symptoms seem to go away. I feel like i dont want to eat sometimes from panicking so much. Today i was breathing heavy panicking on the couch taking really short fast breaths. it passed in about 30 minutes.

I get tunnel vision if i go anywhere and feel like i am going to pass out. Ive had it for a while now and at home used to be my safe zone where it didnt happen. now it seems time moves so slow and i wait everyday for 11pm to happen to goto bed. Quit drinking sodas and it seemed to make it worse, like more depressed or something so i started drinking soda again.

does this sound like anxiety or something more serious. I am scared to death of doctors in my area, they are terrible. My brother went for a cut finger wound up getting a nerve block in his artery stopping his heart for 5 minutes.

If i drink a few beers it calms down but the next day hangover is horrible. I cant walk right, i'm dizzy, i feel like i have to hold the walls sometimes to walk around without falling, legs are stiff as a board.

Any advice besides a doctor? Does this sound like i just have bad GAD?

08-02-2013, 04:19 PM
Another thing, anxiety used to bother me sometimes during the day, now it seems like i wake up anxious and go to bed anxious. also been waking up randomly during the night. could it be all the stress or something more serious?

08-02-2013, 04:32 PM
I posted before but i wanted to get another opinion. Lately I have been under a lot of work stress, I work from home which is probably why i dont like going out. But anyways here it is.

Lately I feel like i am so tired when i first wake up even if i go to bed at 11. My shoulders and chest feel really heavy if i am walking, I also feel off balance like i am walking strange and get a little dizzy. If i sit down i dont notice it as much.

If i drink my symptoms seem to go away. I feel like i dont want to eat sometimes from panicking so much. Today i was breathing heavy panicking on the couch taking really short fast breaths. it passed in about 30 minutes.

I get tunnel vision if i go anywhere and feel like i am going to pass out. Ive had it for a while now and at home used to be my safe zone where it didnt happen. now it seems time moves so slow and i wait everyday for 11pm to happen to goto bed. Quit drinking sodas and it seemed to make it worse, like more depressed or something so i started drinking soda again.

does this sound like anxiety or something more serious. I am scared to death of doctors in my area, they are terrible. My brother went for a cut finger wound up getting a nerve block in his artery stopping his heart for 5 minutes.

If i drink a few beers it calms down but the next day hangover is horrible. I cant walk right, i'm dizzy, i feel like i have to hold the walls sometimes to walk around without falling, legs are stiff as a board.

Any advice besides a doctor? Does this sound like i just have bad GAD?

I always wake up tired even if I go to bed early, this has only happend since being stressed out as it can cause tiredness. My home used to be a safe place but like you I feel dizzy and off balance when I walk or stand I'm okay say down but if I go out i feel like I'm going to pass out and my vision is weird. I have health anxiety so I always worry that I have a major illness wrong with me. But what your describing does sound like anxiety to me as I feel the same to.

08-02-2013, 05:33 PM
I always feel so out of it, like im not me. Weak, dont know. How do you handle it?

08-02-2013, 06:04 PM
Same as, I don't feel like me at all. I've been going to see a therapist to help me but its only helped a little bit, I get scared to go out in case I pass out or fall over from feeling so off balance

08-02-2013, 08:00 PM
Shelly did you ever go to the doctor if so what did they say?

08-03-2013, 02:56 AM
Yeah I've been to the doctor so many times all they look at my file see I have anxiety then tell me its just anxiety, its very frustrating although I have been tested for thyroid and iron and had an ECG which where all fine but I don't think I've been tested for much.