View Full Version : really worried

08-02-2013, 01:22 PM
I'm 24 years old. 5'11 150lbs. I eat pretty healthy and I've been taking high grade fish oil for a couple years now. I do a light workout everyday. I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, ocd, but mainly hypochondria. I'm really worried about my heart. My resting pulse late at night seems way too low. It's like 48. During the day standing it's usually around 65-70 and sitting about 55-60 but for some reason real late at night ot drops to the high 40s which has me very worried because I don't feel like I'm an athlete.

I went to the hospital a couple months ago bcuz I was so worried about it so they did an ekg and said everything's fine and that I'm just in good shape. I'm still worried.. I had a full physical about 11 months ago and the Dr said I'm in perfect health.

I can't stop worrying about this. I'm so stressed ot apparently that I can barely eat. Anything I eat lately makes me have this bloated indigestion feeling and sometimes during that my heart rate can be in the high 80s.

Either I have a really strong healthy heart or somethings wrong.

08-02-2013, 01:26 PM
I'm 24 years old. 5'11 150lbs. I eat pretty healthy and I've been taking high grade fish oil for a couple years now. I do a light workout everyday. I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, ocd, but mainly hypochondria. I'm really worried about my heart. My resting pulse late at night seems way too low. It's like 48. During the day standing it's usually around 65-70 and sitting about 55-60 but for some reason real late at night ot drops to the high 40s which has me very worried because I don't feel like I'm an athlete.

I went to the hospital a couple months ago bcuz I was so worried about it so they did an ekg and said everything's fine and that I'm just in good shape. I'm still worried.. I had a full physical about 11 months ago and the Dr said I'm in perfect health.

I can't stop worrying about this. I'm so stressed ot apparently that I can barely eat. Anything I eat lately makes me have this bloated indigestion feeling and sometimes during that my heart rate can be in the high 80s.

Either I have a really strong healthy heart or somethings wrong.

A low resting heart rate can b indicative of an athletic person. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Having OCD u willy know that it makes u think the worst, and leaves u ruminating about all sorts.

Honestly mate, don't worry. It's just your anxiety and OCD playing tricks on you. :)

08-02-2013, 01:29 PM
Lmao i meant to put will. Surely that'll make u laugh!