View Full Version : Please Take A Minute and Read My Story Thats still Killing me

08-02-2013, 12:29 PM
I'm 22, 6'3 ,195 pounds. Been a natural bodybuilder for 4 years now so im not overweight. However, for the last 5 months i've been experiencing shortness of breath when I exert myself or when i'm just resting. I've had numerous studies done; countless EKG's, Xray, Bloodwork, 24 hour Holter Monitor, Echo and a Stress test all which came back normal. Holter monitor only picked up 50 pacs and 1 rare pvc which I was told was not alarming. I was put on a beta blocker by my Cardiologsit but recently stopped using it as I still felt bad. He diagnosed me with a "Benign Arrhythmia". Weeks later I went back to my GP and was told it was Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I cant lie, I am a hypochondriac so I tend to believe i have the worst of things. I dont know what to do next though. I dont have insurance and have paid thousands for all of my studies already. Should I get an Angiogram (not sure if thats how you spell it)?
What are the chances of me having a blockage? or Do you guys think its my anxiety?
My triggers are when I exercise, When I drive or just sitting down doing nothing.
My nose completely blocks and doesnt allow me to breathe, then i start getting palpitations and all that stuff.

08-02-2013, 12:45 PM
I'm 22, 6'3 ,195 pounds. Been a natural bodybuilder for 4 years now so im not overweight. However, for the last 5 months i've been experiencing shortness of breath when I exert myself or when i'm just resting. I've had numerous studies done; countless EKG's, Xray, Bloodwork, 24 hour Holter Monitor, Echo and a Stress test all which came back normal. Holter monitor only picked up 50 pacs and 1 rare pvc which I was told was not alarming. I was put on a beta blocker by my Cardiologsit but recently stopped using it as I still felt bad. He diagnosed me with a "Benign Arrhythmia". Weeks later I went back to my GP and was told it was Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I cant lie, I am a hypochondriac so I tend to believe i have the worst of things. I dont know what to do next though. I dont have insurance and have paid thousands for all of my studies already. Should I get an Angiogram (not sure if thats how you spell it)?
What are the chances of me having a blockage? or Do you guys think its my anxiety?
My triggers are when I exercise, When I drive or just sitting down doing nothing.
My nose completely blocks and doesnt allow me to breathe, then i start getting palpitations and all that stuff.

Rick sounds like anxiety to me man due to the fact that that you only get it while working out/driving/doing nothing. If something was really wrong with you it would manifest itself all the time and not just on separated events. One can not just flip the switch on and off as to how you feel. That's my two cents brother!!

08-02-2013, 12:53 PM
Rick sounds like anxiety to me man due to the fact that that you only get it while working out/driving/doing nothing. If something was really wrong with you it would manifest itself all the time and not just on separated events. One can not just flip the switch on and off as to how you feel. That's my two cents brother!!

That's true
Thanks for your response bro
It's just hard to process
Back then I was able to workout for like 2 straight hours without a problem
And now as soon as I start pushing it I start feeling horrible
And it's scaring me to be honest

08-02-2013, 12:59 PM
That's true
Thanks for your response bro
It's just hard to process
Back then I was able to workout for like 2 straight hours without a problem
And now as soon as I start pushing it I start feeling horrible
And it's scaring me to be honest

No problem Rick I'm glad I can help and yes I know it's hard to process. Think about it your rational goes out of the window, fight or flight kicks in and all you wanna do is run, scared of pending doom ( while you are in the safest environment ever an in the best shape of your life ) and yet again you come out on the other side :)..man I wish I could work out for 20 min lol, but keep in mind to do everything in baby steps " step by step you go far and safe" " learn how to walk before running" these are the only two quotes that come to mind :)..and Rick it is natural to be scared, remember 7 billion people on the planet are scared of smth..

08-02-2013, 01:09 PM
No problem Rick I'm glad I can help and yes I know it's hard to process. Think about it your rational goes out of the window, fight or flight kicks in and all you wanna do is run, scared of pending doom ( while you are in the safest environment ever an in the best shape of your life ) and yet again you come out on the other side :)..man I wish I could work out for 20 min lol, but keep in mind to do everything in baby steps " step by step you go far and safe" " learn how to walk before running" these are the only two quotes that come to mind :)..and Rick it is natural to be scared, remember 7 billion people on the planet are scared of smth..
Those quotes are truly inspirational (:
Do you feel the same way when you exercise ? Lol
I've tried and thought of so many things that's it's ugh such a headache
I think I have asthma
Blocked arteries
Everything literally /:

08-03-2013, 12:37 AM
I'm 22, 6'3 ,195 pounds. Been a natural bodybuilder for 4 years now so im not overweight. However, for the last 5 months i've been experiencing shortness of breath when I exert myself or when i'm just resting. I've had numerous studies done; countless EKG's, Xray, Bloodwork, 24 hour Holter Monitor, Echo and a Stress test all which came back normal. Holter monitor only picked up 50 pacs and 1 rare pvc which I was told was not alarming. I was put on a beta blocker by my Cardiologsit but recently stopped using it as I still felt bad. He diagnosed me with a "Benign Arrhythmia". Weeks later I went back to my GP and was told it was Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I cant lie, I am a hypochondriac so I tend to believe i have the worst of things. I dont know what to do next though. I dont have insurance and have paid thousands for all of my studies already. Should I get an Angiogram (not sure if thats how you spell it)?
What are the chances of me having a blockage? or Do you guys think its my anxiety?
My triggers are when I exercise, When I drive or just sitting down doing nothing.
My nose completely blocks and doesnt allow me to breathe, then i start getting palpitations and all that stuff.

Same here I can't train or play soccer anymore I feel fkd up. Can barely leave. But I'm getting better.

08-03-2013, 12:44 AM
Same here I can't train or play soccer anymore I feel fkd up. Can barely leave. But I'm getting better.

That's great
I'm glad you are getting over this
Are you taking the natural route or treatment ?

08-03-2013, 12:47 AM
Hypochondria is an OCD spectrum disorder. First, you have to accept that it is your thinking that is defective, not your body. Stop trying to cure your body when it is your brain that is malfunctioning. Second, learn as much as you can about health anxiety, panic disorder, and OCD. When your arm yourself with knowledge, you will be better equipped to start combating it. Third, learn about cognitive behavior therapy, and start practicing the techniques. There are lots of books and even articles here on it. Fourth, confront your fears, allow them to pass over and through you, constantly reminding yourself that it is an illusion. It cannot harm you, even though it feels awful. Stop avoiding behavior that triggers it, as that will make the fear worse. Learn to live with the feelings, knowing that they are harmless. Eventually, your brain will unlearn the behavior and stop triggering. By giving the fear attention, you have empowered it, by fearing it, you have trained your brain that it is truly something to be feared, when really it is all just a bad trip off a dose of anxiety inspired adrenaline.

08-03-2013, 01:38 AM
That's great
I'm glad you are getting over this
Are you taking the natural route or treatment ?

Natural never took anything . Took a year of relaxing tho.

08-03-2013, 11:22 AM
The chances of having a blockage at 22 are extreeeeeemely low. How's your diet? Are you giving your body enough fuel to work out that much? Doctor's say that you can in fact work out too much and that your body needs some rest to heal. How many days a week do you work out?

08-03-2013, 01:56 PM
The chances of having a blockage at 22 are extreeeeeemely low. How's your diet? Are you giving your body enough fuel to work out that much? Doctor's say that you can in fact work out too much and that your body needs some rest to heal. How many days a week do you work out?

My diet has always usually been on point till this started to occurr
My diet always consists of
Brown rice, beans, oatmeal & other whole grains (low glycemic)
Proteins: ground turkey, chicken and fish .. I don't consume red meats.
Veggies. Spinach, peas, broccoli

Macros 250 grams of carbohydrates
And 200 grams of protein a day
And try drinking close to a gallon a day
Not now though since I don't feel good..
And I work out 5 days a week

08-03-2013, 01:58 PM
Hypochondria is an OCD spectrum disorder. First, you have to accept that it is your thinking that is defective, not your body. Stop trying to cure your body when it is your brain that is malfunctioning. Second, learn as much as you can about health anxiety, panic disorder, and OCD. When your arm yourself with knowledge, you will be better equipped to start combating it. Third, learn about cognitive behavior therapy, and start practicing the techniques. There are lots of books and even articles here on it. Fourth, confront your fears, allow them to pass over and through you, constantly reminding yourself that it is an illusion. It cannot harm you, even though it feels awful. Stop avoiding behavior that triggers it, as that will make the fear worse. Learn to live with the feelings, knowing that they are harmless. Eventually, your brain will unlearn the behavior and stop triggering. By giving the fear attention, you have empowered it, by fearing it, you have trained your brain that it is truly something to be feared, when really it is all just a bad trip off a dose of anxiety inspired adrenaline.

Gotta say man that those words were truly inspirational
Thanks to that I'm starting to fight it even more and believe in myself..
Are you cured ?

08-03-2013, 07:13 PM
I have had a clotting culture done recently and got a 1% chance from a cardio team.They can do them maybe get a blood test and request one for reassurance? i had a tropoinin test done too,not for reassurance i was having severe chest pains daily.If i haven't warranted an angiogram i'm kinda glad buddy! its an 'after the fact' test usually unless you present with specific heart problems.i have had minimum 20 ecg's come back clean with bloods and xrays.besides,angiograms are VERY expensive in Ireland,they only use them for extremes besides its an invasive procedure which isn't comfortable.I went to a doctor recently with chest pain and not a word of a lie he gave me a shot of penicillin and told me to take paracetamol lol