View Full Version : Let down by the system

08-02-2013, 09:42 AM
I was refereed to a specialist by my GP for my anxiety. I went today.. Came away with a leaflet about anxiety!!
I explained about my panic attacks, chest pains, mood swings and all sorts and she said its all normal and that im fine!
Im beyond angry. It feels like you have to be right on the edge to get any help what so ever.
Anyone else find this??

08-02-2013, 09:52 AM
Yep I found them less than useless .

As you say unless you are about to jump off a bridge they just send you home

08-02-2013, 09:56 AM

08-02-2013, 10:32 AM
In US/UK or in other developed countries do you have to be referred by your GP to see specialists ?

08-02-2013, 10:42 AM
In US/UK or in other developed countries do you have to be referred by your GP to see specialists ?

No im pretty sure you can actually refer yourself :)

08-02-2013, 10:54 AM
No im pretty sure you can actually refer yourself :)
Then why don't you try a different specialist? Why are you feeling let down?

08-02-2013, 11:12 AM
Then why don't you try a different specialist? Why are you feeling let down?

Its the only NHS specialist in my area. As my message said..I explained my problem and was sent away with a leaflet explaining what anxiety is. That was it. I just expected them to a bit more helpful and understanding and try and help with a salutation of some sort

08-02-2013, 11:20 AM
I was refereed to a specialist by my GP for my anxiety. I went today.. Came away with a leaflet about anxiety!!
I explained about my panic attacks, chest pains, mood swings and all sorts and she said its all normal and that im fine!
Im beyond angry. It feels like you have to be right on the edge to get any help what so ever.
Anyone else find this??

I can relate; I started counseling a couple of weeks ago and have already decided it's not for me. The guy was nice enough, but basically told me I sounded pretty normal, and ultimately my experience was exactly the same as what you said...I left with a print out about anxiety in my hand, one that I've already read myself weeks and weeks ago on WebMD. He scheduled me a second appointment, which I ended up deciding against going to. I don't feel like he is able to do anything for me that I'm not able to do for myself at this point. The therapists I've found that I really think I would benefit from seeing on a regular basis are too expensive for me, so I'm stuck with whatever is covered by my insurance, which really limits the quality of care you receive. Thankfully I've found a good GP that has helped me quite a lot; the previous one I was seeing told me she wished she could get anxiety so she would lose weight (after I had lost almost 10 pounds in one week due to not eating). I was appalled. It's hard when you are going through something as rough as anxiety and people make light of it...there's a way to reassure someone that everything is fine without making them feel like an idiot.

08-02-2013, 12:04 PM
Dont give up on seeking the right therapist. See if you can have a phone consultation to see if their style is right for you. Also there are good books available. People without constant anxiety dont know what its like.

08-02-2013, 04:15 PM
I can relate; I started counseling a couple of weeks ago and have already decided it's not for me. The guy was nice enough, but basically told me I sounded pretty normal, and ultimately my experience was exactly the same as what you said...I left with a print out about anxiety in my hand, one that I've already read myself weeks and weeks ago on WebMD. He scheduled me a second appointment, which I ended up deciding against going to. I don't feel like he is able to do anything for me that I'm not able to do for myself at this point. The therapists I've found that I really think I would benefit from seeing on a regular basis are too expensive for me, so I'm stuck with whatever is covered by my insurance, which really limits the quality of care you receive. Thankfully I've found a good GP that has helped me quite a lot; the previous one I was seeing told me she wished she could get anxiety so she would lose weight (after I had lost almost 10 pounds in one week due to not eating). I was appalled. It's hard when you are going through something as rough as anxiety and people make light of it...there's a way to reassure someone that everything is fine without making them feel like an idiot.

Completely agree! Im just wondering where your going from here? are you thinking about going on medication or anything?

08-02-2013, 04:17 PM
Dont give up on seeking the right therapist. See if you can have a phone consultation to see if their style is right for you. Also there are good books available. People without constant anxiety dont know what its like.

I think im going to google some books to order. thanks!

08-02-2013, 04:38 PM
Amazon has a lot of good books.

08-02-2013, 04:43 PM
Completely agree! Im just wondering where your going from here? are you thinking about going on medication or anything?

No medications for me right now, though I do have a couple prescribed. I'm managing extremely well right now without them, and I'm going to continue to try and manage my anxiety naturally for the time being. I think once I was able to really pinpoint the major sources of my day to day stress, I was able to focus on how to beat them down instead of let them control me and the last week and a half has been a sort of miraculous turnaround for me because I was a real wreck there for a while and I thought it was never going to end. As far as counseling and therapy goes, I wasn't impressed, so I'm not inclined to go back. I think finding some books to read is a great idea. I know that reading in general has been a GREAT source of relaxation for me lately...I used to love reading and I had gotten myself so busy that I hadn't read a book in a ridiculously long time. A couple of weeks ago I picked up a book and got totally lost in it, and I couldn't believe how much that improved my mood!

08-02-2013, 04:48 PM
I like guided imagery to relax...one of my favorites is Bellruth Naperstack.