View Full Version : God listens... Please read....

08-02-2013, 09:23 AM
It was one day 15years ago Jim (my uncle) came into my life... I can't say many good things about him (positive) but as this time Satan was his buddy... He drank, he did drugs, and he Was such a hateful man.. he was married, he would beat his wife, throw her around like a rag-doll.. I still remember him yelling and throwing things around in the kitchen because she didn't cook his dinner right.
Moving on with his life, he got deeper into drugs and alcohol as it's a addiction by this time.. my mom and grandma tried to get him to stop and never would.. then he became suicidal. . Having raging thoughts... mad at himself for simply living his life in such hell..
They had to check him into a mental ward which just eventually drove him even more nuts. He wanted out and in a hurry. He tried to slit his wrist, cocaine,weed, and alcohol sent him down this way..
Glad To say he did give up street drugs but couldn't stop drinking.. so my mother would go and pray with him and it would just infuriate him. He would say,"you can't force God into any one's life." Which is true but hell it's a try.. so he sat alone drinking, has a beautiful Victorian home.. He was a hard worker..
OUR family church was only 50ft from his home.. pastor had tried so many times to get him to go to church but he shoved him out his house.. feeling as if there was no hope..
Sunday morning, church going great, quiet Pastor Allen talking about the wisdom of God, I hear the back door open.. there comes my uncle, dressed in his street clothes walks slowly, zombied like... starring directly towards the front.. finally makes it as the room is so quiet, finally gets to front and falls to his knees , head on the prayer bench and cries so loud he couldn't even control his emotions.. pastor went over and held him tight as he prayed..
It only took extra time. But the Good Lord lives in US all.. till this day, he is a Godly man, has not picked up any bad habit whatsoever and still lives a great life.. maybe we all don't need meds.. We really need Jesus in our lives.. God works in mysterious ways and I'm a firm believer that with God all things are possible...

08-02-2013, 12:43 PM
So true! Good is so good!

08-02-2013, 12:53 PM
It was one day 15years ago Jim (my uncle) came into my life... I can't say many good things about him (positive) but as this time Satan was his buddy... He drank, he did drugs, and he Was such a hateful man.. he was married, he would beat his wife, throw her around like a rag-doll.. I still remember him yelling and throwing things around in the kitchen because she didn't cook his dinner right.
Moving on with his life, he got deeper into drugs and alcohol as it's a addiction by this time.. my mom and grandma tried to get him to stop and never would.. then he became suicidal. . Having raging thoughts... mad at himself for simply living his life in such hell..
They had to check him into a mental ward which just eventually drove him even more nuts. He wanted out and in a hurry. He tried to slit his wrist, cocaine,weed, and alcohol sent him down this way..
Glad To say he did give up street drugs but couldn't stop drinking.. so my mother would go and pray with him and it would just infuriate him. He would say,"you can't force God into any one's life." Which is true but hell it's a try.. so he sat alone drinking, has a beautiful Victorian home.. He was a hard worker..
OUR family church was only 50ft from his home.. pastor had tried so many times to get him to go to church but he shoved him out his house.. feeling as if there was no hope..
Sunday morning, church going great, quiet Pastor Allen talking about the wisdom of God, I hear the back door open.. there comes my uncle, dressed in his street clothes walks slowly, zombied like... starring directly towards the front.. finally makes it as the room is so quiet, finally gets to front and falls to his knees , head on the prayer bench and cries so loud he couldn't even control his emotions.. pastor went over and held him tight as he prayed..
It only took extra time. But the Good Lord lives in US all.. till this day, he is a Godly man, has not picked up any bad habit whatsoever and still lives a great life.. maybe we all don't need meds.. We really need Jesus in our lives.. God works in mysterious ways and I'm a firm believer that with God all things are possible...

Thank you for sharing your personal story with us, the lesson I got from it is that we should not lose hope :)..

08-03-2013, 09:55 AM
I like this. I've seen this happen in person too and it is a very powerful and moving experience.

08-03-2013, 11:05 AM
Yes.. I just am amazed at how God can turn a person over night.. I am a believer. Because the state of mind he's in.. it had to be a miracle.. Ty Jesus

08-03-2013, 12:49 PM
God always helps me out in my everyday struggle. Always have faith people.

08-03-2013, 02:24 PM
Yes God listens...

08-03-2013, 04:21 PM
Amen! God is good! Through the good and the bad!

08-03-2013, 04:25 PM
It was one day 15years ago Jim (my uncle) came into my life... I can't say many good things about him (positive) but as this time Satan was his buddy... He drank, he did drugs, and he Was such a hateful man.. he was married, he would beat his wife, throw her around like a rag-doll.. I still remember him yelling and throwing things around in the kitchen because she didn't cook his dinner right.
Moving on with his life, he got deeper into drugs and alcohol as it's a addiction by this time.. my mom and grandma tried to get him to stop and never would.. then he became suicidal. . Having raging thoughts... mad at himself for simply living his life in such hell..
They had to check him into a mental ward which just eventually drove him even more nuts. He wanted out and in a hurry. He tried to slit his wrist, cocaine,weed, and alcohol sent him down this way..
Glad To say he did give up street drugs but couldn't stop drinking.. so my mother would go and pray with him and it would just infuriate him. He would say,"you can't force God into any one's life." Which is true but hell it's a try.. so he sat alone drinking, has a beautiful Victorian home.. He was a hard worker..
OUR family church was only 50ft from his home.. pastor had tried so many times to get him to go to church but he shoved him out his house.. feeling as if there was no hope..
Sunday morning, church going great, quiet Pastor Allen talking about the wisdom of God, I hear the back door open.. there comes my uncle, dressed in his street clothes walks slowly, zombied like... starring directly towards the front.. finally makes it as the room is so quiet, finally gets to front and falls to his knees , head on the prayer bench and cries so loud he couldn't even control his emotions.. pastor went over and held him tight as he prayed..
It only took extra time. But the Good Lord lives in US all.. till this day, he is a Godly man, has not picked up any bad habit whatsoever and still lives a great life.. maybe we all don't need meds.. We really need Jesus in our lives.. God works in mysterious ways and I'm a firm believer that with God all things are possible...

God will always meet u at yr worst place ... Wen there is nufink left " but God "

08-04-2013, 02:06 AM
Amen. I love this post!

08-04-2013, 02:53 AM
It was one day 15years ago Jim (my uncle) came into my life... I can't say many good things about him (positive) but as this time Satan was his buddy... He drank, he did drugs, and he Was such a hateful man.. he was married, he would beat his wife, throw her around like a rag-doll.. I still remember him yelling and throwing things around in the kitchen because she didn't cook his dinner right.
Moving on with his life, he got deeper into drugs and alcohol as it's a addiction by this time.. my mom and grandma tried to get him to stop and never would.. then he became suicidal. . Having raging thoughts... mad at himself for simply living his life in such hell..
They had to check him into a mental ward which just eventually drove him even more nuts. He wanted out and in a hurry. He tried to slit his wrist, cocaine,weed, and alcohol sent him down this way..
Glad To say he did give up street drugs but couldn't stop drinking.. so my mother would go and pray with him and it would just infuriate him. He would say,"you can't force God into any one's life." Which is true but hell it's a try.. so he sat alone drinking, has a beautiful Victorian home.. He was a hard worker..
OUR family church was only 50ft from his home.. pastor had tried so many times to get him to go to church but he shoved him out his house.. feeling as if there was no hope..
Sunday morning, church going great, quiet Pastor Allen talking about the wisdom of God, I hear the back door open.. there comes my uncle, dressed in his street clothes walks slowly, zombied like... starring directly towards the front.. finally makes it as the room is so quiet, finally gets to front and falls to his knees , head on the prayer bench and cries so loud he couldn't even control his emotions.. pastor went over and held him tight as he prayed..
It only took extra time. But the Good Lord lives in US all.. till this day, he is a Godly man, has not picked up any bad habit whatsoever and still lives a great life.. maybe we all don't need meds.. We really need Jesus in our lives.. God works in mysterious ways and I'm a firm believer that with God all things are possible...

Thank you for sharing.

08-04-2013, 09:34 PM
Brought tears to my eyes. Amen...God is so good to us.

08-04-2013, 10:50 PM
I definetly believe in god, however then care I have towards him is not reciprocal but I'm at the point in my life where I have accepted that. I have tried my whole life with god and its obvious that the effort is going nowhere. Sadly the only thing I would want from him is to just let me rest in peace.

08-04-2013, 10:58 PM
I definetly believe in god, however then care I have towards him is not reciprocal but I'm at the point in my life where I have accepted that. I have tried my whole life with god and its obvious that the effort is going nowhere. Sadly the only thing I would want from him is to just let me rest in peace.


I live through these words, I've been through hell and back. And god has pulled me out of so many struggles and turbulances. I'm in his hands.

08-04-2013, 11:22 PM
Amen saldav. ..
I'm in his hands... my life is also...

08-05-2013, 10:46 AM
It's nice to see it's helped him find a purpose and live for something in life. I'm personally an athiest, but I can see that religion has truly made a lot of people feel fulfilled and secure in life and that's a nice thing to see. I would however caution relying on any external factor to save you from anxiety as there's no overnight cures or drugs which will cure you instantly. It takes inside work, working through your fears and worries. understanding what drives your anxiety etc. Hoping and praying to be cured simply isn't feasible in my opinion, if it has happened to people before that's great. When you reach your lowest the only way is up and I imagine accepting God has changed his perspective. But I think the majority of people will have to work hard as the road to recovery with anxiety takes time.


08-05-2013, 08:52 PM
It's nice to see it's helped him find a purpose and live for something in life. I'm personally an athiest, but I can see that religion has truly made a lot of people feel fulfilled and secure in life and that's a nice thing to see. I would however caution relying on any external factor to save you from anxiety as there's no overnight cures or drugs which will cure you instantly. It takes inside work, working through your fears and worries. understanding what drives your anxiety etc. Hoping and praying to be cured simply isn't feasible in my opinion, if it has happened to people before that's great. When you reach your lowest the only way is up and I imagine accepting God has changed his perspective. But I think the majority of people will have to work hard as the road to recovery with anxiety takes time.


I think you are right in the fact that overcoming anxiety is not an overnight thing. You have to attack it from many different angles. That is not to say God can't make your anxiety disappear in the blink of an eye; I wholeheartedly believe he can. But if God got us out of ever tough situation we would never learn how to get through things, grow, and become stronger. I believe he would rather walk you through the storm and just take you out of it.

08-05-2013, 08:53 PM
I definetly believe in god, however then care I have towards him is not reciprocal but I'm at the point in my life where I have accepted that. I have tried my whole life with god and its obvious that the effort is going nowhere. Sadly the only thing I would want from him is to just let me rest in peace.

Hi Hunny. Do you feel that you love God more than he loves you or the other way around?

08-06-2013, 07:54 AM

I live through these words, I've been through hell and back. And god has pulled me out of so many struggles and turbulances. I'm in his hands.

Hey thanks I really like that statement and will remember it

08-06-2013, 09:07 AM
I don't think involving a delusion into someone's life, who struggles with anxiety, is the best solution. In my opinion it would be better to help the person with anxiety to discover the cause and find a solution for it.

08-06-2013, 10:44 PM
I don't think involving a delusion into someone's life, who struggles with anxiety, is the best solution. In my opinion it would be better to help the person with anxiety to discover the cause and find a solution for it.

What do you mean when you say delusion?

08-07-2013, 06:22 PM
What do you mean when you say delusion?

I'd go with the definition of Oxford's Dictionary (verb form): "make (someone) believe something that is not true"

08-07-2013, 10:15 PM
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, or religious beliefs about God.. I am a firm.believer of my Lord... If u don't believe, that's ur decision. .

08-07-2013, 10:23 PM
[quote god gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers!

amen thank you for reminding of this

08-07-2013, 10:47 PM
I'd go with the definition of Oxford's Dictionary (verb form): "make (someone) believe something that is not true"

That is providing that 1) you are forcing someone to believe said thing and 2) this said thing is in fact proven to be untrue.

If you have empirical evidence or other factual data that disproves the existence of God I would love to hear it.

08-08-2013, 07:00 AM
I agree... I need more GOD in my life!!

08-08-2013, 07:13 AM
Amen... I need more GOD in my life

08-09-2013, 01:08 AM
Amen! Nothing like a good story of a person's journey to Jesus. I'm happy your uncle's spirit led him to that church.

Over the past few months, I've completely surrendered myself to Him..His will above mine, Him first, me second. I started volunteering at my local church(Hillsong NYC) and it's been such a tremendous turnaround..I've never felt so at peace with things. I've even started to embrace the anxiety, because if not for it, I don't think I'd be where I am in my faith walk right now. He's doing amazing, crazy things with my life that I could've never imagined. He's a great God!

08-09-2013, 07:28 AM
Amen! Nothing like a good story of a person's journey to Jesus. I'm happy your uncle's spirit led him to that church.

Over the past few months, I've completely surrendered myself to Him..His will above mine, Him first, me second. I started volunteering at my local church(Hillsong NYC) and it's been such a tremendous turnaround..I've never felt so at peace with things. I've even started to embrace the anxiety, because if not for it, I don't think I'd be where I am in my faith walk right now. He's doing amazing, crazy things with my life that I could've never imagined. He's a great God!

That's great :-)

08-09-2013, 09:42 AM
Amen! Nothing like a good story of a person's journey to Jesus. I'm happy your uncle's spirit led him to that church.

Over the past few months, I've completely surrendered myself to Him..His will above mine, Him first, me second. I started volunteering at my local church(Hillsong NYC) and it's been such a tremendous turnaround..I've never felt so at peace with things. I've even started to embrace the anxiety, because if not for it, I don't think I'd be where I am in my faith walk right now. He's doing amazing, crazy things with my life that I could've never imagined. He's a great God!

When you serve others, and get outside of yourself, you are then able to help yourself. At that point it's not about "me me me" and the narcissistic role we anxiety sufferers can sometimes play. It becomes about someone else. And when your serving, you don't have time to think about yourself. And magically you feel better! You don't obsess about symptoms, or pains.

When ye are in the service of your fellow man ye are only in the service of your God.

You will always be blessed for giving service.

08-19-2013, 04:57 PM
That is providing that 1) you are forcing someone to believe said thing and 2) this said thing is in fact proven to be untrue.

If you have empirical evidence or other factual data that disproves the existence of God I would love to hear it.

Well for instance there would be Evolution :)

08-19-2013, 06:18 PM
Well for instance there would be Evolution :)

Are you talking about macroevolution or microevolution?