View Full Version : day 3

08-02-2013, 04:11 AM
Ok i lied. I thought yesterday was gonna be the worst day, but i guess save the best for last huh? I know i can do this, i did it yesterday and the day before but every morning my outlook for the day is hopeless. im gonna try to stay positive and struggle through the day. I just wish it got easier. i just hate waking up every morning and having to deals with this...

08-02-2013, 06:19 AM
Im sorry. Dont feel hopeless. I know it feels like you'll never be ok again. It's terrifying. But You can get better it just takes time. Pm me if you need to talk!

08-02-2013, 01:18 PM
Thank you :)

08-02-2013, 01:52 PM
For a little while I thought I was never going to feel like a normal person again, and in end result, after three months of pure torture, the feeling normal again happened very suddenly and unexpectedly. I'd go to bed every night horrified that I might not even make it to the next morning, or that I'd wake up feeling worse than before. All I wanted was to get through ONE day feeling like a half way normal person...without worrying and feeling anxious constantly, without feeling sick and irritable and frustrated, without panic attacks, etc. etc. etc. And then it happened. Try to stay positive. You can and will get through it all!