View Full Version : Really scared, is this anxiety?

08-02-2013, 01:06 AM
So I couldn't sleep last night because I felt jittery and uneasy. Than my shoulder hurt, so I was stretching and I'm guessing i "popped" my shoulder because I could hear the "air/gas escaping from it. Instantly after the top of my spine was in pain. So I had a panic attack thinking I was going to be seriously hurt. I took some anxiety medicine and ibuprofen. It helped a little. What I'm really worried about is my head. (having stayed up over 24 hrs and not eating) I felt this weird hot liquid sensation on the back left of my head, my ear felt like I was underwater and the left side of my face was numb or had pressure. I took an ibuprofen and went to sleep. Now it feels sore where I felt the sensation at. migraine? I don't know what's wrong with me it feels like these panic attacks are killing me. Or I started getting them cause my body is trying to tell me there something wrong with me? I'm really scared. If anyone has any idea please help.

08-02-2013, 01:50 AM
Anxiety can cause you so many different pains and feelings in the body and make you feel dreadful. As long as you get anything unusual checked out by your doctor, then you can accept that it is anxiety causing the problem.
The only way to overcome anxiety is to learn to concentrate on the present time and your breathing. If you concentrate on something simple like just breathing slowly and deeply from your stomach you will find your panic and anxiety get better.
It is not easy to do when you are really anxious or in the middle of a panic attack, but if you can make yourself do it, it really helps.

08-02-2013, 01:53 AM
I developed health anxiety after a cancer scare and a botched surgery. I hemorrhaged and almost bled to death. Anyway, I survived and came home and started having severe panic attacks whenever I felt a strange ache or pain. The catch is the anxiety adrenaline increased the strange sensations, aches and pains, which caused more anxiety. It's a self perpetuating cycle. Ache causes anxiety which causes aches which causes anxiety. You have to break the cycle by accepting that your symptoms are caused by anxiety and no longer fearing them. Easier said than done, but it can be done. I have gone from constant panic attacks and severe symptoms to having spells every few days or so, depending on stress, and mild annoying symptoms. Depends on stress levels.