View Full Version : how often does it happen? help me cope please!!!!

08-01-2013, 09:25 PM
Hi, I'm new here and I was wondering how often do you feel like crap from having anxiety and how often do you have physical pain from it and how severe?Ihave bad health anxiety i'm just trying to cope. also I don't want to make 2 diff. post so i was also wondering how ofter you have diarrhea and constipation? I have had it on and off for weeks I think it's IBS also I have badpains through out the day almost everyday from headache to sharp shooting pains in my head.

08-01-2013, 10:15 PM
It's possible to have it every single day. Anxiety messes up my stomach pretty frequently. Especially when it at its peak.
Anxiety can cause a lot of crazy symptoms.

08-01-2013, 10:39 PM
It's possible to have it every single day. Anxiety messes up my stomach pretty frequently. Especially when it at its peak.
Anxiety can cause a lot of crazy symptoms.

yeah have some type of pain all the time on some part of my body.

08-02-2013, 01:00 AM
Hi, I'm new here and I was wondering how often do you feel like crap from having anxiety and how often do you have physical pain from it and how severe?Ihave bad health anxiety i'm just trying to cope. also I don't want to make 2 diff. post so i was also wondering how ofter you have diarrhea and constipation? I have had it on and off for weeks I think it's IBS also I have badpains through out the day almost everyday from headache to sharp shooting pains in my head.

Nearly every day to some extent. Usually it's just feelings of breathlessness, cold hands and feet, racing heart. When it's really bad, my muscles get sore and I have weird aches and pains and doom type thoughts. Diarrhea two or three times a week. IBS usually goes with anxiety. Some think it is caused by anxiety.

08-02-2013, 01:19 AM
Hi, I'm new here and I was wondering how often do you feel like crap from having anxiety and how often do you have physical pain from it and how severe?Ihave bad health anxiety i'm just trying to cope. also I don't want to make 2 diff. post so i was also wondering how ofter you have diarrhea and constipation? I have had it on and off for weeks I think it's IBS also I have badpains through out the day almost everyday from headache to sharp shooting pains in my head.

I have ibs I get terrible pains in my stomach lower back wen my anxiety is bad my ibs is worse. When ur anxious adrenaline and other hormones such as stress hormones are released into the body which cause the aches and pains u can have a wide range if aches and pains as muscles tense with all the extra hormones stress natural make u have stomach ache and vowel problems example my husband does not suffer with anxiety or depression or anything but say he's sum wer important to go like any one u can get a little nervous about it and u instantly get stomach pains and some times diarreah it is norm that's why u need to relax and try as hard as it is to think ur pains are caused with stress and anxiety constant worry does this it's just calming the mind getting ur body back to normal again and if u have energy and ur not depressed then try exercise as it burns the stress hormones