View Full Version : Panicky and very far away from everything

08-01-2013, 03:27 PM
So I was afraid this would happen. My last fishing trip went okay and now we traveled much further away. I'd say about 200 miles from civilization. Now I'm stuck here with a friend of mine and trying to sleep but every time I close my eyes I can feel the panic about to start. We paid a lot of money to come here and he doesn't know about my condition so there's pretty much no chance to leave until Sunday. I guess I should just let the panic hit and not resist it but it doesn't feel like an option. What can I do?

08-01-2013, 04:11 PM
Breath. You are so very brave to be doing this trip and I am jealous of you!
I really want to be able to get in the car and take my family away for the weekend but I'm at the stage of being petrified of being away from home so I feel like I'm holding my loved ones back. You're living, so live!
Experience the bullshit anxiety feeds you - the racing heart, sweating, dizziness, fear - but enjoy the trip anyway.
When you're on your death bed you won't be thinking 'I wish I'd panicked more' - you will have wonderful memories, like the one you're creating right now.
Good advice for myself! X

08-01-2013, 04:50 PM
So I was afraid this would happen. My last fishing trip went okay and now we traveled much further away. I'd say about 200 miles from civilization. Now I'm stuck here with a friend of mine and trying to sleep but every time I close my eyes I can feel the panic about to start. We paid a lot of money to come here and he doesn't know about my condition so there's pretty much no chance to leave until Sunday. I guess I should just let the panic hit and not resist it but it doesn't feel like an option. What can I do?

I can totally relate to you... When I get far from civilization I freak out also. Currently I am at my grandmas that lives WAY out in the country and I love coming here but usually get very anxious and panicky since I got anxiety... BUT I've made it 6 days out here so far :) normally I panic at least once but I haven't yet. I say just go with the flow, if panic starts just let it and accept it cause chances are afterwards you'll feel better.

08-02-2013, 12:12 AM
Thanks :) That's what I thought: I can't let the anxiety ruin this trip for me. I was so scared last night but just writing about it here made me relax enough to be able to fall asleep. I'm so used to having the radio and the lights on to distract me when going to bed that its awful being in the dark and silence. Lots of things to do today which is great :) And thanks again for the replies.

08-02-2013, 02:06 AM
I know how difficult it is to stay in bed when you are anxious and panicking. I find I have to get up. It is difficult when sharing a bedroom but I now just get up straight away rather than lying there struggling. I sometimes go back to sleep downstairs but just getting out of the restriction of not making a noise or moving helps to calm me down.