View Full Version : Wheeze

10-11-2007, 04:28 AM

I have been experiencing a chest tightness and like a feeling of wheeze and dizzy. Is this anxiety? I suffer quite a lot from anxiety. Anyones input would be great Thank you

10-15-2007, 09:48 AM
Hello, friendlytigger1978,
I see that like me you are a new member, and like me, although a lot of people have viewed your message, none have replied. Reckon we newbe's have to talk amongst ourselves!
The symptoms you describe are very likely to be anxiety based. I had very similar ones, and my doctor refered me for chest xray and ECG (heart monitor). Both were negative, and i felt relieved that I didn't have a life threatening hearth prob or something. You know how you always imagine the worst. Might be worth a trip to the doctor, though, to put your mind at rest. I've re-read my first post, and realised that I'm in denial about the negative thoughts! I'll leave it, though, to see if anyone tells me so!
All the best,