View Full Version : Pain under breasts

08-01-2013, 08:51 AM
Hi all

I get aches and pain in my chest all the time. But at the minute I feel like it's something new every day.

I mainly get dull pains in my left arm (mainly elbow) all the time. and also a lot of chest discomfort.

But Today it's all under my breast almost in a line all across the front kinda of where the ribs finish. It's so painful, just stabbing pains.

I've had lots of tests. More bloodwork and an ECG this week. Still fine.

I've never had this pain though. It's made my HR shoot up as well and I feel so dizzy and sick.

Do anyone get pain here?

Thank you

08-01-2013, 11:49 AM

Yes! Mine actually goes down my side and also into my shoulder blade. I get the shooting pains, but I have a consistent dull ache too. I know it's hard to function with this pain..it's so annoying.
Hope your feeling better :)