View Full Version : Not anxiety after all

08-01-2013, 08:12 AM
Well, finally got a diagnosis, and funny thing, its actually calmed my nerves. Mostly because I knew something wasn't right. I knew what was happening wasn't "normal" or anxiety.

Diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder called IST with a POTS crossover. Basically, for most people your hr will elevate a few beats when you stand up. You probably don't even notice it. Well, for me mine jumps about 30-50 beats standing up. And stays there until I bend over or sit back down.

I was pinned as anxiety because it made me anxious while it was happening and freaked me out! But the reality is that the tachy caused the anxiety.

So, let me offer some relief to you heart anxiety sufferers. My heart beats about 120-150 each time I stand. That's about 5-6 hours a day. If my heart can withstand such fast rates for long periods of time, then you all are going to be fine! And it doesnt shorten my life span.

I've had the whole cardio work up and my heart is still strong and healthy. Even after having this disorder for over 6 years.

I truly hope you all can find happiness and joy in your lives. And be able to live in the moment. I know how debilitating anxiety can be. Trust your doctors, and live for each day you all wake up to.

08-01-2013, 12:12 PM
Well, finally got a diagnosis, and funny thing, its actually calmed my nerves. Mostly because I knew something wasn't right. I knew what was happening wasn't "normal" or anxiety.

Diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder called IST with a POTS crossover. Basically, for most people your hr will elevate a few beats when you stand up. You probably don't even notice it. Well, for me mine jumps about 30-50 beats standing up. And stays there until I bend over or sit back down.

I was pinned as anxiety because it made me anxious while it was happening and freaked me out! But the reality is that the tachy caused the anxiety.

So, let me offer some relief to you heart anxiety sufferers. My heart beats about 120-150 each time I stand. That's about 5-6 hours a day. If my heart can withstand such fast rates for long periods of time, then you all are going to be fine! And it doesnt shorten my life span.

I've had the whole cardio work up and my heart is still strong and healthy. Even after having this disorder for over 6 years.

I truly hope you all can find happiness and joy in your lives. And be able to live in the moment. I know how debilitating anxiety can be. Trust your doctors, and live for each day you all wake up to.

Interesting journey.
How were you diagnosed?

08-01-2013, 06:21 PM
i think POTS is typically tested with the tilt table test? I could be wrong though.

08-01-2013, 07:21 PM
i think POTS is typically tested with the tilt table test? I could be wrong though.
Oh ok
When I lay down my rhr is 50-64
And when I stand it's about 80
Do you think that's bad?

08-01-2013, 07:37 PM
depending on my anxiety levels sometimes mine jump nearly 80 bpm from climbing stairs lol so no that isn't that much at all.considering you have a healthy rhr anyhow.my typical rhr is about 80 : )

08-01-2013, 07:45 PM
depending on my anxiety levels sometimes mine jump nearly 80 bpm from climbing stairs lol so no that isn't that much at all.considering you have a healthy rhr anyhow.my typical rhr is about 80 : )

Oh ok
I was Freaking out a bit lol
But yeah
When I'm sitting its usually low
But standing is always 80
Just the fact that its 80 kind of scared me

08-01-2013, 08:47 PM
80 is a great standing hr.

Yes, thy measure pots by a tilt table test.

Pots is also diagnosed as a jump in hr of greater than 30 beats, or 120 bpm. I'm at 120-150 most of the time.

08-01-2013, 09:01 PM
80 is a great standing hr.

Yes, thy measure pots by a tilt table test.

Pots is also diagnosed as a jump in hr of greater than 30 beats, or 120 bpm. I'm at 120-150 most of the time.

So based on what your dr described
Do I sound pretty normal and just anxiety?

08-01-2013, 09:22 PM
You absolutely sound normal. Wouldn't even question it.

08-01-2013, 09:24 PM
I can only dream about heart rates that low. Mine goes so fast that it's like I'm running in place all the time! I get out of breath and hot.

08-01-2013, 09:31 PM
I can only dream about heart rates that low. Mine goes so fast that it's like I'm running in place all the time! I get out of breath and hot.

That's a relief
Only time it goes nuts is when I go for a jog For some reason

08-01-2013, 09:42 PM
That's a normal response to exercise.

08-02-2013, 04:03 AM
Thank you so much. My health anxiety has been really bad the last couple days. I'm fixating on eating and after an hour or so of brooding after a meal my heart rate will jump to 120 - 150. I have had stress test, ekgs, sonogram and holt and everything tests okay. I know it's just anxiety, but it is almost automatic now, like pavlovs dogs. Eat, tachycardia. Drives me up the wall.

08-02-2013, 04:04 AM
And I know that 120 hr is just barely tachy. Not even enough to worry about. Still, my stupid brain goes doom doom doom

08-02-2013, 03:25 PM
I hope this isn't what I have. My pulse usually only increases 5-10 bpm when I stand up from laying down. Except sometimes when I eat I get this really bad bloating feeling and that makes my heart beat faster and it seems to get worse when I stand up. I'm hoping it's just my anxiety causing digestive problems. It doesnt always happen but seems to happen when I'm under stress or in an uncomfortable position like around a bunch of people.

It happened the other day again. I ate and my pulse sitting down was 65 and when I stood up and took it it was like 80-90. This worries me.. Once the "stomach ache" goes away, my pulse immediately goes back to normal. Anyone have any idea what this is?

08-02-2013, 05:54 PM
Not pots or IST that's for sure! You're fine! Seriously.

08-02-2013, 06:55 PM
Well, I'm really worried about my low resting heart rate. Late at night in bed it can get down to 47..i went to the hospital a month ago and they did an ekg and listened to it and said it's because I'm just in good shape. Just seems too low and I'm so worried it's making me sick.

08-02-2013, 07:08 PM
I have the same anxiety, imchad. It's normal for your heart rate to jump after eating as your heart is pumping lots of blood to your stomach to digest your food. We've just associated that normal reaction to our fear response and anxiety does the rest. Doesn't make it any easier tho. I guess we need to deprogram our brains, but its not easy.

08-02-2013, 07:12 PM
If you do intense cardio your heart doesn't have to work as hard. Have you looked up a normal resting pulse for athletes? I'm not an athlete and I wore a monitor over night and my pulse droped low I believe high 40's.

08-02-2013, 07:34 PM
I dont run or anything.. I usually just do push-ups and ab exercises everyday. I've been taking fish oil for years so maybe that's why. Idk what to think. Feels like I'm dying or something.

08-02-2013, 07:35 PM
My heart rate is 93 right now jus sitting I'm freakin out now :(

08-02-2013, 07:51 PM
You said you have seen a doctor about it? Does your pulse increase with anxiety, exercise? Do you take any other medication that could slow your rythem? What is your normal/average testing pulse? Take a deep breath... You are going to be ok.

08-02-2013, 07:53 PM
"resting pulse"

08-02-2013, 07:56 PM
You talking to me or chad

08-02-2013, 08:13 PM
48 is normal. What's abnormal is your refusal to believe it. Your heart is fine, it's your brain that's malfunctioning. Once you accept that, then you can start fixing your anxiety problem. Until you accept that, your issues will not go away.

08-02-2013, 08:15 PM
Hey leighlee

Yeah. I've had about 3 Dr's and 4 nurses listen to my heart and they all say it sounds perfect. I went to the hospital a month ago and told them I was worried about my low heart rate. They did an ekg and it came back fine. Of course my heart rate wasn't low in there. Yeah, my heart rate easily goes up with exercise. It's only 47-50 late at night when I'm laying in bed or when I wake up and still laying in bed. If i sit down and take it in the middle of the day it will be 55-60 and standing it's usually 65-75.

08-02-2013, 08:16 PM
Cobra I read that only athletes should be that low. I don't even run lol. I should mention my mom is super healthy and active and hers in the mid 40s..

08-02-2013, 08:17 PM
Same thing for you, Anthony. And for me. And probably half of us on here. We have to get it through our heads that it is our brains that are malfunctioning, not our bodies. The physical symptoms, like fast heart rate, are manifestations of our anxiety. And a resting heart rate of 93 is within the "normal" range, Anthony. Normal. Up to 100 is normal. Even then, it can be slightly higher if you are anxious, just ate, tired, sick, ingested a stimulant like caffeine or chocolate, or just smoked a cigarette. Even getting up and walking to the bathroom can raise your heart rate. We have to believe it, though. For some reason, we cannot. I don't know why I can't get it through my head, or why you can't, but we must keep trying!

08-02-2013, 08:21 PM
ImChad, that's normal even for non-athletes. It's from having an extremely efficient circulatory system, not from being quote unquote an athlete. Your heart is simply super healthy. I have a very healthy heart, too, even though I am fat and old. Nothing wrong with it at all. Resting heart rate of 80, even though I smoke, and do not exercise. It is our minds that are defective. I know why I am obsessed with my heart. It is from watching my father die of a heart attack and believing I will die young like that, too. What is the root of your heart fear?

08-02-2013, 08:27 PM
I'm not sure. When I was a freshman in Highschool I had a physical and the Dr said he heard a heart murmur so they did an ekg or an echo I don't remember and they said I had a very athletic heart. Ever since then it's been in the back of my mind. 3 Dr's and 4 nurses have listened to my heart in the past year and all say they hear no murmur and it sounds perfect. I went to the hospital a couple months ago bcuz I was worried about my low heart rate and they asked me if I exercise a lot and I said yeah everyday but only push-ups and dumb bells. They monitored my heart for 2 hours and they said the ekg looked perfect. Of course my heart rate wasn't low when I was in there. It was probably in the 70s bcuz I was nervous.

I've been obsessing over this all day and it's made me feel very ill. I can't eat anything and not get a bad bloated stomach ache.

08-02-2013, 08:35 PM
I've had ekgs blood test ct scan of abdomen and never found anything bad other than a kidney stone I passed I can't understand why I can't jus beleave the doctors n move on

08-02-2013, 08:45 PM
Just took my pulse and it was like 53. I laid on the floor and did 70 situps real fast and then took my pulse and it's 71.

08-02-2013, 09:12 PM
Just took my pulse and it was like 53. I laid on the floor and did 70 situps real fast and then took my pulse and it's 71.

If you feel the need for reassurance do a stress test with a cardiologist. They will stress the heart out and watch the function. I have had one in the past and it was assuring nothing was wrong. Still worry, but that is my anxiety and I need to change my inner dialogue.

08-02-2013, 09:12 PM
Chad your heart is pretty damn strong if you ask me wish I had a pulse like that

08-02-2013, 09:14 PM
I've had ekgs blood test ct scan of abdomen and never found anything bad other than a kidney stone I passed I can't understand why I can't jus beleave the doctors n move on

I know the feeling. Listen to yourself and be kind to your self. It's easy to give advise....if I could listen to my own advise! I have read countless books on anxiety!

08-02-2013, 09:39 PM
I have a suspicion that we are actually a little OCD, that's obsessive compulsive disorder. I know I am because I have always had a tendency to became very single minded about things, like hobbies, video games, activities. I never do anything in half measures. I always throw myself headlong into whatever I am doing, and it is all I can think about. It is not so bad I have to check the doors 50 times before I will leave the house, but I do worry about leaving the oven on and shutting lights out. Wash my hands a lot because of germs. Unfortunately, my OCD has latched onto health concerns due to a health scare. Sounds like yours has too, due to the doc saying he heard a heart murmur. Right now I am lying in bed getting anxious because I can hear my stomach gurgling. Gas sounds are normal after eating, I know this, but I am still getting nervous, lol. It is so aggravating!

08-02-2013, 09:42 PM
On the plus side, I know from experience that once my OCD brain latches onto a new obsession, I will wonder why I was so obsessed with my health. Please, hurry, OCD. I'm tired of anxiety attacks! Lol!

08-02-2013, 10:20 PM
Thanks for all the input guys especially you cobra. I got your PM. I'm feeling really good right now. I had the best workout I've had in a long time. Deep down I know I have absolutely nothing wrong with my heart. It's just like that ocd and anxiety take over sometimes and it's like a battle within your mind. I'm moving to Denver Colorado soon and I already have a few therapists lined up that I'm going to see every week.. So I'm really taking initiative to get well. It's so nice having a forum with other people having the same issues. I love you guys.

08-02-2013, 10:38 PM
Mindfulness based cbt is supposed to be the best treatment for health anxiety and OCD.

08-03-2013, 02:50 PM
On the plus side, I know from experience that once my OCD brain latches onto a new obsession, I will wonder why I was so obsessed with my health. Please, hurry, OCD. I'm tired of anxiety attacks! Lol!

So lets say when I'm sitting doing nothing it's like 50-60
But when I stand up its 80-90
Is it jumped more than 30 is this pots
CuZ this is how I am everyday
And feel dizzy as well

08-03-2013, 07:24 PM