View Full Version : Pulse 150 is that dangerous?

08-01-2013, 04:13 AM
So got into it with son over loans we made to him and his ungrateful girlfriend. Long story short, everything is all our fault and we are evil manipulators and they have never ever done anything wrong. Thats what you get for loaning someone money, I guess, but after he left my pulse just kept going faster and faster. It's about 150 right now. I keep telling myself it is just stress, can't hurt me, but in my mind I keep waiting for my heart to just explode and kill me. I know it's only making it worse, but its my trigger. Tried to go to bed but i can hear it whooshing in my ears. Feel it throbbing in my skin. I took an Ativan, but its not helped. Does anyone else have that symptom? I have never hit 150 before. 120s sometimes. It's so upsetting that I cannot control this reaction. I just keep replaying everything in my head.

08-01-2013, 04:16 AM
Bp was 138/84 good bad I don't know I can't think straight and keep waiting for the hammer to drop

08-01-2013, 04:38 AM
Your BP is fine. At 150 your pulse is like you're taking a jog, definitely not putting too much strain on your heart. This is purely anxiety and nothing more. You became overly worked up from your argument and have excessive catecholamines circulation through your body. It will take a bit for these to dissipate. Just focus on nice slow breaths. You'll be okay!

08-01-2013, 04:48 AM
I had to look up catecholamines. Lol. Yes, adrenaline. A lot of it. I have never had a heart rate go that high during an attack before. It's scary because I am always afraid ill have a heart attack. I've had a stress test and a heart X-ray thingy were they looked at it on a monitor with sound waves. I even had a 3 day holster monitor. No abnormalities. Very strong heart. Just out of shape a little and need more exercise, doc said. I know my fear is irrational. My dad died of a heart attack so as soon as my rate gets over 100 I start panicking. So 150 won't hurt a healthy heart, even for an extended period of time? What of I can't get this calmed down soon? No pain or dizziness or anything, just flushed skin, sweating, tingling hands and feet.

08-01-2013, 04:51 AM
Funny thing is, I didn't get upset during the argument, when he was cussing and screaming at us, only after he left. My wife crying was what made me lose my self control. Then, once my pulse went up, it was anxiety city.

08-01-2013, 05:45 AM
A fast heart rate won't give you a heart attack. What you're afraid of is a myocardial infarction and that can only be caused by a blockage of your coronary arteries. It sounds like your heart is perfectly healthy. A racing heart after an argument is totally normal. It is your anxiety that is causing you to dwell on it, and in turn, for it to persist. Acknowledging this is merely anxiety is the first step. Take care!

08-01-2013, 06:07 AM
A fast heart rate won't give you a heart attack. What you're afraid of is a myocardial infarction and that can only be caused by a blockage of your coronary arteries. It sounds like your heart is perfectly healthy. A racing heart after an argument is totally normal. It is your anxiety that is causing you to dwell on it, and in turn, for it to persist. Acknowledging this is merely anxiety is the first step. Take care!

Thanks for taking the time to reassure me. I try to be aloof to the anxiety, but sometimes I just need somebody to talk to. My wife is loving but she just doesn't get how scary it can be. How your mind will race and start making doom scenarios.

08-01-2013, 07:59 AM
My hr goes to 150 just by standing up. It stays there for hours just by doing nothing. I also have an autoimmune disorder.

Having a hr of 150 for a bit won't do a thing to you. It's not gonna kill me either, and mine is almost constant.

You're gonna be fine.

08-01-2013, 08:04 AM
My hr was 150 for 5 hours on end, you'll be fine. That said its probably not good for you though.