View Full Version : I didn't cry today :)

08-01-2013, 03:40 AM
I've been crying daily since my boyfriend and I signed our agreement for a rental property, I had one thought in my mind that it won't work out, that I won't like him once we move in and since then (a week and a half) my best friend of a brain has been losing the plot, telling me I don't love him, it's all wrong, it won't work etc, literally driving me insane, making me cry on the bus to work (when I have 1 hour to think about it), while I am at work sometimes and on the bus home, making me distraught when I get home. I know this isn't true and it will be amazing when we have our home but my mind keeps winding back to the question.

Today I felt normal. Today my mind went to the question and I as weird as it sounds screamed at it to shut up and it worked. I didn't cry today.

I graduate from university tomorrow and for the first time in a few weeks I am excited.

It gets better even when you feel like you want to end it all and you're over crying all the time, one better day is better than no better days, who knows tomorrow I might feel all of the bad things again, but I know now I have to look forward to one better day instead of none, because they do come xx

08-02-2013, 04:57 PM
This one made me smile. You should be really proud of yourself :) x