View Full Version : Helping ourselves!

08-01-2013, 01:21 AM

I just want advice on what people are doing to overcome their anxiety away from medication.

I'm trying lots of stuff and I just wanted to see what you lovely lot are dog as well to see if I can incorporate it into all I'm doing

Peace and love


08-01-2013, 05:52 AM
interested to know what stuff you're trying Sam:)

08-01-2013, 07:19 AM

I just want advice on what people are doing to overcome their anxiety away from medication.

I'm trying lots of stuff and I just wanted to see what you lovely lot are dog as well to see if I can incorporate it into all I'm doing

Peace and love


Try keeping a mood diary, and u might spot a trend of when your anxiety peaks. With this u can put plans in place to distract yourself in whatever way works for u at these bad times.

Breathing techniques can be good, either deep and slow or diaphragmatic breathing; from the stomach.

If its a bad day avoid caffeine, carbonated drinks And fatty foods.

And obviously, keep coming on here and talking :)

08-01-2013, 07:32 AM
Eating right, taking supplements, getting a little exercise, getting plenty of rest, enjoying life.. anxiety free for 9 months!!

08-01-2013, 08:09 AM
I do cardio for an hour and lifting for an hour each day. 2 hours of excercise should help me, and it does. Since anxiety disorder has a lot to do with the adrenal gland there's nothing better you can do than use it. Also a good diet with help. Anyone who is saying these 2 things won't help with anxiety is bullshitting you, they're simply trying to push their pharmacuiticals on you.

08-02-2013, 04:10 AM
Thanks all!

There all really good ideas! I've started swimming 3 times a week and walking twice weekly, I'm trying vitamins, I've been prescribe a high level and propranolol but refused anti-depressants. I've never been much of healthy eater but this weekend my boyfriend and I are sitting down looking the healthy recipes and going shopping, the plan is to make a two weekly meal plan and stick to it. I've been relaxing, doing breathing work. Listening to Eva Cassidy a lot (such chilled music).

This week I've seemed to have a good day a bad day etc. Today is a bad day but trying to stay positive!! I think I want to start boxercise so I can imagine myself beating my anxiety whilst actually beating it...

The diary is a really good idea!! I will give that a shot.

08-02-2013, 08:59 AM
that's awesome samb1155!! it's great seeing folks getting up and actually doing what's necessary to get anxiety behind them! you can do this!!

08-02-2013, 09:13 AM
Well I thought I can either feel sorry for myself and let it continue or do something about it!! I was in the doctors last week about it and the section on my mental health is massive stemming from the age of 15 and I don't want it to grow!!

It also helps I have the most patient and amazing family and boyfriend, he will try anything with me even if it sounds completely crazy! He's never suffered with mental ill health nor understand before he got with me but has been researching thing to help me. Has learnt how to calm me during an attack, I'm very blessed with that!

This forum helps massively and I haven't been on here long either.