View Full Version : My cat died, I am sick with the flu, and anxiety is way up.

08-01-2013, 12:24 AM
Hi all,
I will keep this short as I banged up my hand so it hard to type.

I had to put down my sweet and fun cat a few days and it was really so hard. I won't go on about him, but just that he had such an amazing social and cute personality. If someone were to come over, Simba the cat would go sit with them, if they went anywhere he would walk with them and try to start a conversation with that person. I really miss him :(

Another big anxiety booster is having the flu.....Do you get bad anxiety or does your anxiety gets worse when you get sick?

And do you know why this happens? Getting sick then the anxiety worsens?

My hand is getting sore, so I'll say thanks for reading and your post, if you left one :)

08-01-2013, 03:07 AM
Hi all,
I will keep this short as I banged up my hand so it hard to type.

I had to put down my sweet and fun cat a few days and it was really so hard. I won't go on about him, but just that he had such an amazing social and cute personality. If someone were to come over, Simba the cat would go sit with them, if they went anywhere he would walk with them and try to start a conversation with that person. I really miss him :(

Another big anxiety booster is having the flu.....Do you get bad anxiety or does your anxiety gets worse when you get sick?

And do you know why this happens? Getting sick then the anxiety worsens?

My hand is getting sore, so I'll say thanks for reading and your post, if you left one :)

Soooo sry to hear bowt yr cat ... I have two myself and love them to bits ... Pple who dnt have animals dnt understand , they are part ov yr family

08-01-2013, 06:30 AM
im so sorry you lost simba im a cat lover and have 3 cats i live alone so they are my babies ... i had to put my Candy to sleep 8 years ago she had cancer i was so devastated i still cry for her i miss her soo much she helped me through really hard times growing up with this awful disorder... animals dont judge you like people do thats what makes their love for you so special... they help me when im feeling down .. hope you feel better soon x

08-01-2013, 06:32 AM
Sorry to hear about your cat. My kitty is getting old and I'm gonna be a wreck when she passes.
My guess about the anxiety getting worse when you're sick is that your body is using energy to fight the sickness rather than keeping the anxiety away.....just like when you don't get enough sleep. Just a guess though.

08-01-2013, 07:05 AM
So sorry about the passing of your cat, I lost mine back in 2009, I miss him so much. When I have the flu, or am sick, it is kind of a break from anxiety for me, cause I don't have the energy to worry, I just feel too knocked out. lol

08-04-2013, 10:06 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone!

I am still sick with the flu and I think it is bringing on some wicked anxiety, and haven't felt this bad it a while....

Really would like some friendly feedback cuz I feel just so alone. Does this happen to you?

What makes it feel better? :( I feel so disconnected.


08-04-2013, 10:25 PM
Yes ppl without animals don't understand the pain of them leaving I'm so sorry about that. In regards to the sickness bringing on anxiety yes I have that too. I think it's cause when your sick you have to basically be in bed which means more time to think and stress and while you're doing that you realize all the things that need to be done which causes even more stress. I completely know what you're feeling.

08-05-2013, 06:14 AM
Im so sorry to hear about your loss. As a cat lover i know how bad that hurts. I hope you get to feeling better soon friend, youre in my thoughts. I know having my other cats helped me to move on so maybe when the time comes you could look into getting another cat that you can bond with and grow to love.