View Full Version : questions help!

07-31-2013, 08:55 PM
My biggest symptoms are bloated stomach even without eating and waking up frequently at night. My breathing has gotten better but it's like one things just getting replaced with another. I've been doing butekyo for about 3 weeks now and the exercises are almost impossible when you have such a stiff bloated stomach. I've ruled out any problems with the bloating through my doctor so it isn't anything serious. I'm not really heavy into medication but I take an Ativan every 3 days or so if I really want a good nights sleep. What causes bloating and what can I do to even just ease it up a little bit. I do notice I've been swallowing a lot and producing a bit more saliva but I'm a constant nose breather and my mouth is rarely open. Can you swallow air without mouth breathing? Thanks for the replies.

07-31-2013, 09:12 PM
It's also as if my ribcage and abs feel really tight and sometimes painful. It's a lot worse when I stand up too.