View Full Version : Zero Libido

07-31-2013, 03:07 PM
I'm on Effexor and it totally destroys my libido. I've been with a girl for 7 years and although I've always been on medication, it's now becoming an issue. I've told her a thousand times it's the medication but she ends up in tears thinking she's not attractive anymore. We've had this discussion in the past and I told her I feel really bad about it and she said that I can show my love in different ways like cuddling and doing chores. So I stepped up in these areas but that only helped for a short time. We keep ending up in this fight. Anybody experiencing the same thing with their significant other? How do you deal?

07-31-2013, 03:57 PM
I'm on Effexor and it totally destroys my libido. I've been with a girl for 7 years and although I've always been on medication, it's now becoming an issue. I've told her a thousand times it's the medication but she ends up in tears thinking she's not attractive anymore. We've had this discussion in the past and I told her I feel really bad about it and she said that I can show my love in different ways like cuddling and doing chores. So I stepped up in these areas but that only helped for a short time. We keep ending up in this fight. Anybody experiencing the same thing with their significant other? How do you deal?

How long u been on it for?

07-31-2013, 04:04 PM
I had the same problem but when I was on paxil. Lost complete interest in guys and anything sexual. It sucks. Came off the paxil to try and get rid of the side effect and they had to put me on effexor. Ive been on effexor and I feel like I have had some improvement In that area... Notice guys more often, etc. but its not great. I feel like any antidepressant is gunna have this side effect and u cant really gey rid of it completly unless u come off the meds. Ive heard of natural meds that are suppose to help reverse the side effect while on an antidepressant but who knows of they actually work :/

07-31-2013, 08:46 PM
Yes, I have very low libido from 40mg Lexapro I've been taking for almost 8 months (that's a very large dose) the only way I keep it up is through 2+ hrs excercise and lifting a day combined with a good diet. I'm fixing to go off my Lexapro soon, you should consider it as well. Show her this message, maybe it will convince her a little that it IS the medication.

07-31-2013, 09:11 PM
I have the same problem only I'm not nor have ever been on medication... Just the stupid anxiety! I hate it!

08-01-2013, 01:04 AM
I have the same problem only I'm not nor have ever been on medication... Just the stupid anxiety! I hate it!

I'm in the same situation! Been a huge problem! I'm not on medication but I have no sex drive at all due to my anxiety!

08-01-2013, 02:29 AM
Yup I have this problem due to medication & it's very hard . I have zero sex drive .
Very sad . X

08-01-2013, 04:58 AM
Before the anxiety, we were very active, but now I am afraid of intimacy because if I get anxious and lose steam, I have a panic attack and then she thinks its her, which makes me feel worse. It's terrible because all I want is to have what we used to have, which was really really good.

08-01-2013, 06:28 AM
Thanks for the replies everybody! I've been on meds for about 8 years. Started on Paxil. The Paxil had the same effect but worse. I talked to my doc and she told me there is a difference between erectile dysfunction and libido and they're not necessarily related. The Effexor only effects libido so I switched thinking it would help. It helped in the one area but still no libido. I just don't have much interest. We talked about it AGAIN last night and I think things just got worse. This sucks.

08-02-2013, 07:06 PM
I'm on Effexor and it totally destroys my libido. I've been with a girl for 7 years and although I've always been on medication, it's now becoming an issue. I've told her a thousand times it's the medication but she ends up in tears thinking she's not attractive anymore. We've had this discussion in the past and I told her I feel really bad about it and she said that I can show my love in different ways like cuddling and doing chores. So I stepped up in these areas but that only helped for a short time. We keep ending up in this fight. Anybody experiencing the same thing with their significant other? How do you deal?

I was going to start Effexor but was afraid of this side effect. Everyone I tried does this to me and its terrible when ur only 30!!!

08-02-2013, 08:56 PM
Maybe try taking some natural supplements for boosting libido?

08-03-2013, 12:17 AM
Maybe try taking some natural supplements for boosting libido?

I tried yohimbe bark, I took half the recommended dose and I was sweating like crazy, I did get a hard on for like 30 minutes though.

08-03-2013, 11:13 AM
Thanks, I'll have to try that. Any other supplements for increasing libido?