View Full Version : Feeling a little better with my anxiety

07-31-2013, 02:59 PM
Hey guys im feeling a little better with my anxiety im not googleing anymore becuz i know it has to do with the anxiety..i did full blood work,cardio sono gram and stress test done,neuro,MRI done on my brain and all the test came back normal..but im still having symptoms i dunno why if im not focusing on it what can it be i mean everything is good and plus i feel tired but im trying to block it out now and i feel it that its leaving can anyone help me on this thank u guys!!

07-31-2013, 05:37 PM
Does anyone feel like this?

08-01-2013, 03:49 AM
This bout of anxiety hasn't been about feeling ill for me its been other things BUT I have also been feeling better today :)

I've just been telling my crazy thoughts to go away (sounds stupid but it works) and as soon as they come on, i'll focus on something else to think about, anything and to be honest its been the stupidest things like the kardashians (spew but better than anxiety right?!) and other silly things.

Go you! Keep holding on, its all we can do xx