View Full Version : I had a panic attack and feel good about it
10-10-2007, 04:36 PM
Sounds mad I know. Ive been trying to recover from anxiety for some time now, yet I always had the niggle that maybe its something else beacuse I dont have panic attacks. However since sunday Ive felt an excessive build up of anxiety, mad thoughts, my throat tightening, shaking when Im working all day non-stop. I phoned my mum in tears this evening because I'd had to leave my gfs house due to excessive pressure feelings and I was saying I cant go on feeling like this, theres is no hope Im thoroughly controlled by fear and my friends must think Ive lost it etc. I couldnt concentrate on my speech or get my words out, didnt know where I was and then Bam it hit me. Hyperventilation, raised heart rate, the works for about 2min. Only through all the literature Ive read concerning anxiety in recent weeks did I know what it was, but now I kind of feel relieved to have had one.
V for Victor
10-12-2007, 10:40 PM
It is possible that you're feeling a little sense of relief because you've come face to face with an anxiety attack and survived it. Maybe it wasn't as bad as you were expecting?
Now, that doesn't mean it'll all go away, or be easy to deal with. Anxiety won't always be manifested in panic attacks. Many times you may just feel generally anxious and worried, without hyperventilating. This is still anxiety.
Generally, anxiety/depression aren't things that go away on their own. They can, however, go in cycles. They'll leave you alone for a while (months, years maybe,) and then come back. The best thing to do is to get to understand them and actively work to combat them. Maybe you ought to see a doctor about medication, or maybe some therapy or advice at least.
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