View Full Version : Felt like passing out!

07-31-2013, 01:50 PM
So I haven't felt bad today to be honest haven't felt a palpertaion in a few days then this evening I was out at my partners grandmothers house talking away and them bam it hit me not even feeling anxious the funny heart beat made me feel out of breath and like I was going to pass out. I never said anything to anyone because I don't want people to think I'm lying. It was one of the worse I've felt :( we have had to leave because I felt anxious why does this happen so out the blue?? I now feel so anxious and like I may die :(

07-31-2013, 02:08 PM
Can anyone relate to this? Maybe I need to go to my doctor ?

07-31-2013, 02:22 PM
This happens to me I will be totally fine for a few days and then I will go out and just be doing normal things then I get a massive palpitation like my heart is going to come out my chest or stop beating. Then I instantly start to panic and get really anxious and want to stop whatever I'm doing and get home. I've been to the drs about it had 2 ECG which was both fine.

Maybe its worth asking for a ECG just to make sure.

07-31-2013, 02:30 PM
What you are describing are called PVCs.
Most of the time this are harmless. I get this aswell. At first they scare the hell out of me.so I went to the ER and they did Chest X-ray, EKG, and bloodwork.. Everything was fine and doctor sent me home. I'm sure your ok aswell but if you feel you need to go to the doctors for reassurance then do so. but I'm sure your ok :)
Good luck

07-31-2013, 02:36 PM
I had a ECG and bloods done last April and it was fine but I wasn't having palpertaions then it was just chest pain. I hate going to the doctors and hospitals it makes me 200 times worse then I already feel. I've never heard of PVCs but they don't sound good and that scares me if I was to be told I have that as I have no idea what it is. My mum suffers palpertaions and has had all tests done been told its ok but then she suffered bad anxiety when she was younger. This is really getting me down I'm pregnant as well and can't stress to much as I don't want to miscarry like o did back in January x

07-31-2013, 02:45 PM
I had a ECG and bloods done last April and it was fine but I wasn't having palpertaions then it was just chest pain. I hate going to the doctors and hospitals it makes me 200 times worse then I already feel. I've never heard of PVCs but they don't sound good and that scares me if I was to be told I have that as I have no idea what it is. My mum suffers palpertaions and has had all tests done been told its ok but then she suffered bad anxiety when she was younger. This is really getting me down I'm pregnant as well and can't stress to much as I don't want to miscarry like o did back in January x

Your completely fine. PVCs are nothing to worry about. Most of people that have PVCs have an Anxiety Disorder. When I was diagnosed with Anxiety I didn't suffer from palps and PVCs.. I started getting those 4years later. It's just a cycle your body goes through. think about it.. All of us here in this forums have gone or are going through what you and I have gone or are going through. Relax hun. Your ok. and Congrats on your upcoming baby :)

07-31-2013, 02:53 PM
Thank you for replying its true I never had palpertaions when anxiety first started last year it's only with in these last 4 months I've had palps. One of the worse symptoms I think :(

07-31-2013, 02:56 PM
Thank you for replying its true I never had palpertaions when anxiety first started last year it's only with in these last 4 months I've had palps. One of the worse symptoms I think :(

I hate them too.. they are on top of my anxiety list as the WORSE!! Lol Don't hesitate to PM if you feel you need to talk or have questions. :)

07-31-2013, 02:58 PM
Thanks :) are you in the USA?

07-31-2013, 02:59 PM
Thanks :) are you in the USA?

Yes. Los Angeles,USA

07-31-2013, 03:00 PM
I am in the UK close to London.

07-31-2013, 03:01 PM
I am in the UK close to London.

I have always been wanting to go to London! :)