View Full Version : Funky feelings

07-31-2013, 06:12 AM
So I woke up randomly with a feeling like my heart was beating funny. I felt it, felt normal. Then I remembered that my blood pressure machine looks for irregular heart beats. So I tried that, said it was normal. Which helped me think rationally.

But I'm still shaking, because its scary. But I don't know where this thought came from suddenly. I guess I'm under a lot of stress, just bought a house and have been cleaning for 2 days to prep for moving (while sick). I wish this would all go away!

07-31-2013, 08:00 AM
It is definitely stress, buying a house it is definitely no small task and to this that this will be your new comfort zone the mind needs time to make adjustments. But you'll be fine :) and in the meanwhile enjoy your new house and keep updating us on how things are going.. cheers