View Full Version : My fun fun anxiety symptoms

07-30-2013, 08:56 PM
Here's what anxiety does to me... Heart racing, heart palpitations, pressure in chest, pain in chest, metal taste in mouth, sore throat, tight throat, difficulty breathing, sinuses clogged up, ringing in ears, cold hands and feet, tingling extremities, numbness in face, itching, burning, flushed skin, dizziness, dropping sensation in chest, electricity jolts, rumbling sounds, imaginary trembling, imaginary tachycardia, gas, indigestion, diarrhea, urinary urgency, wobbly floor, weak legs, insomnia, short temper, tired, excited, sweating, faintness, jumpiness, sensitivity to light and depression.

Here's my triggers... Worrying about heart, getting cancer, my family getting hurt or sick, eating, driving, crowds, being alone, going crazy, loud noises, getting old, being broke, family disputes, toxins in environment and food, germs, dying, and someone I love dying. Oh, and never getting over this anxiety crap!

I was doing really well for a few weeks... Until I started worrying about the anxiety coming back, which, of course, it did. Almost as soon as that thought occurred, the symptoms resumed.

Just wondering how many others can relate.

07-30-2013, 09:55 PM
You sound just like me. Entire list is what I go through. The only thing missing is pain in my body.
I feel for you because I can relate.
One day at a time.

07-30-2013, 10:16 PM
I can relate to you aswell.. I have everything on your list. :/

07-30-2013, 10:31 PM
Sometimes I can feel generally well but I experience these symptoms without feeling anxious.. so sometimes I wonder: /

07-31-2013, 12:36 AM
It's very frustrating. I thought I was getting over it, then I started worrying about it coming back, and that started the whole cycle again. Got all the aches and pains and weird things, then started thinking, well, maybe it's not the anxiety, maybe it's really real this time, then the insomnia started and the less I sleep, the worse the anxiety is. Today, I slept about three hours, from 10 am to 1 pm, and about the same the day before. I have to keep going until I drop, basically, or I lay in bed feeling my heart pulsing in my head and skin, trying to ignore it. Ugh. I want so bad to go to sleep, but every time I go in there to lie down the symptoms increase. So much for my recovery. It's almost like starting all over again.

08-01-2013, 03:36 AM
Here's what anxiety does to me... Heart racing, heart palpitations, pressure in chest, pain in chest, metal taste in mouth, sore throat, tight throat, difficulty breathing, sinuses clogged up, ringing in ears, cold hands and feet, tingling extremities, numbness in face, itching, burning, flushed skin, dizziness, dropping sensation in chest, electricity jolts, rumbling sounds, imaginary trembling, imaginary tachycardia, gas, indigestion, diarrhea, urinary urgency, wobbly floor, weak legs, insomnia, short temper, tired, excited, sweating, faintness, jumpiness, sensitivity to light and depression.

Here's my triggers... Worrying about heart, getting cancer, my family getting hurt or sick, eating, driving, crowds, being alone, going crazy, loud noises, getting old, being broke, family disputes, toxins in environment and food, germs, dying, and someone I love dying. Oh, and never getting over this anxiety crap!

I was doing really well for a few weeks... Until I started worrying about the anxiety coming back, which, of course, it did. Almost as soon as that thought occurred, the symptoms resumed.

Just wondering how many others can relate.

Oh my god I could have wrote this whole thread.. I have every single symptom and worry about most of the same things too
..its scary but kind of proves it IS anxiety and not anything serious x

08-01-2013, 04:05 AM
Really bad night tonight. I was feeling good and my son came over and started cussing us over girlfriend and told us we were either going to kiss up to her and like her or he would disown us and we'd never see their kids. We loaned him money is the real problem. All our savings. They are mad cause we told them we are broke and can't give them anymore. I did okay, but then my anxiety kicked in. Pulse went to 150, which is one of my triggers, my heart, so now I am going nuts thinking I am going to have a heart attack, when will it end, just keeps pounding and pounding. Can't sleep. Afraid to do anything strenuous. I have to get this anxiety under control!

08-02-2013, 03:40 PM
My biggest problem is the indigestion thing. It seems like whenever I'm anxious at all and I eat I get this horrible bloating feeling and it doesn't matter what I eat. Whenever this happens my heart rate increases too usually like 10-20 beats faster when standing up. It doesnt seem to change much so when I'm sitting down though. So let's say my pulse sitting before eating is 55, after i eat it will be 60. Standing before I eat it will be 65 and after it will be 75-90. It only increases like this when I get the bloated feeling. As soon as the "stomach ache" goes away my pulse immediately returns to normal.

What's going on?!

08-02-2013, 04:28 PM
Completely relate to this! can i ask what treatment your having for it? if any :)

08-02-2013, 05:32 PM
Cobra your triggers to anxiety sounds just like mine!! Plus your symptoms

08-02-2013, 08:09 PM
It's a relief to know I'm not alone. Haha, everyone says that, but it's true. Right now I feel like I'm going to explode. My anxiety is so high from the unresolved family conflict, which is making me feel sick, nauseated, dizzy, jumpy, which just feeds into my health anxiety. It's such a hellish cycle. I broke it once before and started feeling myself again, I guess I can do it again, but it is so hard. I saw a psychologist and was given Ativan, but it made me feel suicidal so I quit all medications. I read they were fifty percent placebo effect anyway, so why addict yourself to something that is mostly just benefiting you psychologically? I mostly just do positive mind-talk, ignore the symptoms and take passion flower, which is a natural supplement. They help, but haven't cure me yet. Hoping they will eventually, tho!

08-02-2013, 08:44 PM
You sound just like me cobra expect I can feel ok n my heart will still race out of knowhere I'm prob still having anxiety n don't even realize it some days its real bad and others its not to bad do you get ringing I'm the ears I can't seem to shake this symptom

08-02-2013, 08:45 PM
My bad you do must of missed that part

08-02-2013, 08:55 PM
Yep, it's funny though. I don't get the ringing until I think about it, then it goes BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!

08-02-2013, 09:00 PM
I'm thinkin I have tinnitus cause I've had it for years even when not having anxiety but way my brain is these days I think tumor or aneurysm n all kinds of worries

08-02-2013, 09:46 PM
You've probably had anxiety for years and didn't really think about it. I know I did. Just didn't know why my hands and feet were always cold and sweaty. Why I had insomnia. It wasn't until the symptoms became severe that I realized what I had and sought treatment.