View Full Version : Traffic Ticket.

Slammed Vdub
07-30-2013, 05:53 PM
So i have been doing great with my anxiety. Very controlled. Until last night... I received my first traffic ticket. Honestly, i feel i was wronged in this situation, and i was picked out due to stereotypes. I drive a very low car, but i never speed. Below i will paste a copy of the entire story if you are bored and want to read. Basically ever since this happened, i feel depressed, almost like my life is over. I feel like i have nothing going for me anymore and its all triggering attacks..

I was driving on *beep*, 2 other cars seemed to be racing, a white dodge ram, and a black 4 dr sedan. I let them pass and stayed out of it. I was headed toward the straight section after the *beep/beep* split. The lane narrows to 1 lane for construction. I was coming up behind a tractor trailer where the white dodge ram swerved in front of me and sped up. I proceeded forward beginning to pass the tractor trailer. The white dodge ram didn’t want to move any faster ahead as the merge continued to come closer. Keep in mind I have the exact same speed as the dodge ram ahead of me. As he slowly crept passed the truck I was running out of lane and needed to switch fearing I would be crunched against the concrete barrier. I did not have the option to slow down as a car was beyond tailgating me. I later found out that it was a cop. He was maybe 1.5 car links behind me. He then threw his lights on and pulled me over. The first thing he mentioned was my loud exhaust and asked If I was racing with the other three cars. I immediately felt singled out as I had the only “non-stock” looking car. As much as I wanted to tell hi this story, I was always told not to argue with the cop as it could get much worse. I peacefully gave him my info and he came back with 2 tickets. Tailing too closely, and disobeying a traffic device. After this I drove home.

My issues with this: The dodge ram was driving very dangerously and if the cop was tailing me to get all the info he seemed to have, he should have easily spotted this truck swerving and switching lanes at a high pace. I should not have been given a following to close ticket seeing how I had no option. If I slowed down I would get rear ended/have a chance to get sandwiched with the tractor trailer and a concrete barrier. I couldn’t speed up anymore or I would have gotten too close to the dodge ram. I was boxed in and my only option was to wait it out. That is where the cop pulled me over. I have a clean record and have no interest or reason to be speeding or racing as he asked me. That was an insult because I knew he singled me out because of my car. He even said I “happened” to be the one to get pulled over. I feel I was misjudged and wronged in this situation.