View Full Version : Anxiety Induced or Problem Inducing Anxiety?

07-30-2013, 04:52 PM
So as I learn more about this world of anxiety/stress, the more I seem to learn that the whole area around this can involve anything that could effect ones daily lives.
My story basically goes like this other thread I opened about a month ago: hxxp://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?19045-Anxiety-Affect-You-Subconsciously (change xx to tt - wont let me post links with under 25 posts)

But some things I just don't understand with anxiety/stress and it is mainly how to differentiate whats really happening to me and what a/s is causing. If any of this sounds familiar to anyone, your experience would be great to hear. I've been having a reoccurring symptoms such as constant lightheadedness, head pressure, out of the ordinary fatigue, constant yawning and these effect my daily life to a significant extent.

I have been seeing my general DR and a cardiologists. Cardiologists for the reason that they detected I have a slow heart rate but was told I had a "athletic heart" and everything else looked ok. Thats still not stopping them from running every test they can think of but at this point I am fine with it because everything elminated helps with the mind to an extent. But none of these DR's have even mentioned anxiety/stress and its only brought up when I say something about it. They usually tell me dont let others tell you that these symptoms simply fall on anxiety.

Im not a stressed person, don't worry about things much. The only thing now that I am constantly thinking about though are these symptoms that I do not know where they are coming from. The reason Im so perplexed on what is going on is I had these issue for a good stretch and then one morning I woke and I felt like I was the king of the world and nothing was bothering me. It just went away. Nothing changed. I was still constantly thinking about what had happened to me and what the symptoms I had. But I just felt better. This lasted for about 2 weeks.

Then one day it just came back. Constant lightheadedness( I actually mean 24/7) and all kinds of other symptoms. And I am a cyberchondriac and try to figure out every symptom I have but I never feel anxious or panicked. Just constantly thinking about my symptoms and angry I cant get on my my normal activities.

So am I feeling symptoms from anxiety induced or am I having anxiety from the problems themselves? ( I guess that doesnt really make sense)

Im just bothered that it seemed to magically go away with no change and then magically came back with no change.

Happy Tuesday!

07-30-2013, 08:44 PM
Sound like hypochondriac induced anxiety to me. Stop googling symptoms! I have the same issues. It's a catch 22 . You have the symptoms because you stress about the symptoms. I was just about recovered until I started thinking, Gee, I hope my anxiety doesn't come back now that I am almost better! Bam! Anxiety again! Lol! Just gotta soldier on. Ignore the symptoms. Yeah, I know, but what if they're really real this time, right? Bam! Anxiety again. It's a circular mental habit that you have to break, like a perpetual motion machine. I still struggle. But I know I will eventually beat it... Or maybe not. Bam! Anxiety again! Lol!

07-30-2013, 09:31 PM
Sound like hypochondriac induced anxiety to me. Stop googling symptoms! I have the same issues. It's a catch 22 . You have the symptoms because you stress about the symptoms. I was just about recovered until I started thinking, Gee, I hope my anxiety doesn't come back now that I am almost better! Bam! Anxiety again! Lol! Just gotta soldier on. Ignore the symptoms. Yeah, I know, but what if they're really real this time, right? Bam! Anxiety again. It's a circular mental habit that you have to break, like a perpetual motion machine. I sti struggle. But I know I will eventually beat it... Or maybe not. Bam! Anxiety again! Lol!

Hey. Yeah I do try to learn about the symptoms more than I should. But as you mentioned "you have symptoms because you stress about the symptoms" is what bothers me because when I felt great, I was still overly thinking what had happen and thinking all the what if's even though I felt better. The symtoms I have are also hard to ignore since the main symptom is constant lightheadedness that effects about anything you do. Imagine waking up and everything seems like your tipsy from the get go.

Thats how I have a hard time with being able to try to not think about it when the symptoms are just there subconsciously.

Hope you get the better of yours and thanks for taking the time to reply. And sorry for any errors/typos. Using phone

07-30-2013, 09:48 PM
I have a hard time with this too. I always hear that symptoms get worse when you think about them, but it's hard not to when they are there to remind me. I am to the point where I don't wanna go to the doc or ER because I don't know what is stress and what's not.
At least your Docs are trying to find out what's wrong and not blame everything on Stress, anxiety, and depression. It's that way with mine..I wish my doctor(s) would run some tests on me, ease my mind a little.
I can def tell you that googling for sure will make things worse...but you already knew that :)

07-30-2013, 10:04 PM
So as I learn more about this world of anxiety/stress, the more I seem to learn that the whole area around this can involve anything that could effect ones daily lives.
My story basically goes like this other thread I opened about a month ago: hxxp://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?19045-Anxiety-Affect-You-Subconsciously (change xx to tt - wont let me post links with under 25 posts)

But some things I just don't understand with anxiety/stress and it is mainly how to differentiate whats really happening to me and what a/s is causing. If any of this sounds familiar to anyone, your experience would be great to hear. I've been having a reoccurring symptoms such as constant lightheadedness, head pressure, out of the ordinary fatigue, constant yawning and these effect my daily life to a significant extent.

I have been seeing my general DR and a cardiologists. Cardiologists for the reason that they detected I have a slow heart rate but was told I had a "athletic heart" and everything else looked ok. Thats still not stopping them from running every test they can think of but at this point I am fine with it because everything elminated helps with the mind to an extent. But none of these DR's have even mentioned anxiety/stress and its only brought up when I say something about it. They usually tell me dont let others tell you that these symptoms simply fall on anxiety.

Im not a stressed person, don't worry about things much. The only thing now that I am constantly thinking about though are these symptoms that I do not know where they are coming from. The reason Im so perplexed on what is going on is I had these issue for a good stretch and then one morning I woke and I felt like I was the king of the world and nothing was bothering me. It just went away. Nothing changed. I was still constantly thinking about what had happened to me and what the symptoms I had. But I just felt better. This lasted for about 2 weeks.

Then one day it just came back. Constant lightheadedness( I actually mean 24/7) and all kinds of other symptoms. And I am a cyberchondriac and try to figure out every symptom I have but I never feel anxious or panicked. Just constantly thinking about my symptoms and angry I cant get on my my normal activities.

So am I feeling symptoms from anxiety induced or am I having anxiety from the problems themselves? ( I guess that doesnt really make sense)

Im just bothered that it seemed to magically go away with no change and then magically came back with no change.

Happy Tuesday!

I can completely understand what you're saying. I still struggle with this myself. My doctors didn't bring up anxiety either, it took me bringing it up. Then they told me they didn't think it was anxiety, but I insisted I have a lot of the symptoms. So I got the meds and they honestly help.

But how do you know if the symptoms you feel are real from a sickness or just from the anxiety? I guess it's important to remember that anxiety can cause some crazy feelings. And if you had some minor medical issue it could have been bothering you more subconsciously and now the anxiety is causing additional symptoms. It's not a catch all for every symptoms you have, but honestly think about it..the light headedness, huge symptom for many anxiety sufferers. Head pressure, chest pain, numbness, tingling, upset stomach, tired, emotional...all the more common symptoms that mimic bigger problems.

And googling- oh how I miss it! Lol. But it was causing me to go even more crazy. Try not to google next time and see if it helps you feel better. Or better yet, try not to google for a week. You'll be surprised how much it helps.

Hope you feel better!

07-31-2013, 12:42 AM
Maybe the key is to just say eff it. If I die, I die. Stop worrying about the symptoms. Cultivate a party til you drop attitude. Live life to the fullest, have fun, stop worrying and just do it. LOL. I know, easier said than done. My brain seems to have Pavlovian responses to certain stimuli. Obituary postings on Facebook. Disasters on the News. You can't get away from it, and my anxiety goes into overdrive, quite outside my conscious control. BTW, I wish mine was dizziness. I get it a little. My main symptom is a pounding heartbeat and tachycardia, which makes me flip my wig because I always think I'm going to die of a heart attack... even though I've been fully tested for heart problems medically and nothing. Got a great heart for my age. It's All In My Head.