View Full Version : Making steady progress :-)

07-30-2013, 03:03 PM
Might not seem a lot to anyone else but I'd say that I've jumped my first hurdle on the step to recovery; I went on the BUS (which I avoid due to thinking I'll become travel sick) for 15 minutes, went to the cinema and came back on it too! That's the first time I've been anywhere such as the cinema in 2/3 years!

I'm not going to lie it was the hardest and longest journey I've ever been on and hated every minute of it but I wasn't sick and I survived it both ways. I haven't started therapy or CBT yet so I guess you can help yourself :') I'm going to try and do it again on Thursday but I'm not so sure how it will turn out. I guess any step is a good step though isn't it?

07-30-2013, 03:29 PM
That's great!!!!be proud.

07-30-2013, 04:12 PM
Congratulations! Keep facing your fears. Try to regularly schedule these bus trips. They will get easier and easier.

07-30-2013, 04:45 PM
Might not seem a lot to anyone else but I'd say that I've jumped my first hurdle on the step to recovery; I went on the BUS (which I avoid due to thinking I'll become travel sick) for 15 minutes, went to the cinema and came back on it too! That's the first time I've been anywhere such as the cinema in 2/3 years!

I'm not going to lie it was the hardest and longest journey I've ever been on and hated every minute of it but I wasn't sick and I survived it both ways. I haven't started therapy or CBT yet so I guess you can help yourself :') I'm going to try and do it again on Thursday but I'm not so sure how it will turn out. I guess any step is a good step though isn't it?

That's great!!! Be proud!

07-30-2013, 07:46 PM
That's awesome!!!! Keep a notebook near by or write in your phone every single accomplishment you do so when you do have anxious days you can use your achievements as motivation!!!! Are you taking any medications for anxiety?

07-31-2013, 05:49 AM
That's awesome!!!! Keep a notebook near by or write in your phone every single accomplishment you do so when you do have anxious days you can use your achievements as motivation!!!! Are you taking any medications for anxiety?

Not so much for general anxiety but my triggers are being sick so I avoid busses, car journeys and big places like cinema's, shopping centres and meals. So to stop me from being sick I take 10mg Domperidone when I need it, up to 3 times a day. I only took 1 yesterday so that was good progress too :)

07-31-2013, 07:57 AM
Might not seem a lot to anyone else but I'd say that I've jumped my first hurdle on the step to recovery; I went on the BUS (which I avoid due to thinking I'll become travel sick) for 15 minutes, went to the cinema and came back on it too! That's the first time I've been anywhere such as the cinema in 2/3 years!

I'm not going to lie it was the hardest and longest journey I've ever been on and hated every minute of it but I wasn't sick and I survived it both ways. I haven't started therapy or CBT yet so I guess you can help yourself :') I'm going to try and do it again on Thursday but I'm not so sure how it will turn out. I guess any step is a good step though isn't it?

I am really proud of you, great job. Now all you have to do is keep it up :) and remember baby steps is the key!!