View Full Version : please help me remember i'm not alone

07-30-2013, 09:52 AM
i was diagnosed with panic disorder about two years ago, and it was pretty manageable up until a few months ago. for the last two months, it's been a battle every day to convince myself i'm not having a heart attack/dying. the rational part of me knows that it's all just stress, but it's gotten to the point where something on my body hurts or feels off all day every day. i know if it's stress i should try to figure out what thoughts i'm having when the physical symptoms come on, but it feels the other way around.. that i'm fine until i notice the physical symptoms, then i freak. i limited myself to one e.r. visit thus far, and of course, everything was normal, but i might take a trip to my family doctor in the next week just for the peace of mind. my symptoms are usually chest tightness, difficulty swallowing, random pains throughout the body but mostly in the chest/head/back, numbness and tingling in my fingers, depersonalization, feeling faint, indigestion, etc.

i recently just moved home from two years elsewhere and have been struggling with the job hunt as of late, so i'm sure that's what's causing all my anxiety. i just need to be reminded that other people have felt as crappy as i do day in and day out and that it really is all just stress wreaking havoc on my body.

thank you.

07-30-2013, 12:49 PM
You are certainly not alone!!! Nor do you have to go through this alone, what are you doing to help elevate these feelings your having? Do you have any techniques that work/have worked it the past?


07-30-2013, 01:48 PM
You are definitely NOT alone! Every morning when my alarm goes off for work the very first thing i notice is heart racing and im already sick to my stomach. The crying, freaking out, shaking, throwing up, feeling helpless alone and lost come as i wake up a little more. About an hour after my alarm goes off mon-fri i am in a full panic. I text a lot while im at work to help get through. Talking to someone about it or anything really is a good distraction. You need to have that one person you can tell everything to weather they think your crazy or not (your NOT! i promise) it helps a lot. But look into seeing someone. So far my dr. has not done much but i know he's trying and hes another person on my team. Good luck i wish you the best!

07-30-2013, 01:56 PM
Your definitely not alone and like you im pretty sure something bad us going to happen to me, I feel surey symptoms bring on the anxiety rather than the anxiety bringing on the symptoms I do wake up every morning wondering how im going to be today, ,tight across the shoulders nervous feeling x