View Full Version : anxiety/fear about food?...

07-30-2013, 07:19 AM
I've posted a similar topic to this but I still can't seem to shift this feeling. I'm basically scared of eating, and it's not a fear of getting fat or whatever (if anything I worry more about being underweight), it's because I over-think it to the point where I paralyse myself - analysis paralysis. I think that without food or water I will die. It's a solid fact of life, but for some reason it scares the shit out of me. I look at my breakfast/lunch/dinner and suddenly it becomes a life or death situation. I imagine myself unable to eat since my throat shuts up and then it snowballs into thinking I'll end up in hospital on a stomach pump, or death. It's a completely irrational fear that stopping me from eating properly, which is a self-fulfilling prophecy if you think about it. It causes crippling panic attacks, shaking, crying etc. - all the classic anxiety symptoms. I convince myself that I won't be able to eat and I'm going to starve to death. I've approached my doctor and she has referred me to a psychiatrist to see if my medication needs changing. I'm so scared for myself and I don't know what to do.

P.S. In terms of medicine, I'm on 20mg escitaloptam and 6mg of diazepam when I need it (during panic attacks).

07-30-2013, 07:36 AM
When we swallow food it doesn't go down our windpipe, so that feeling you have of it getting stuck is the anxiety tensing your muscles. It's your thought process that makes u think u are going to suffocate.

When we swallow food our throat has a little trap door that closes to prevent food from going down the wrong way.

07-30-2013, 07:44 AM
Yes, it's precisely anxiety that makes my throat shut and my stomach tie in knots. I don't think I'm going to choke or suffocate, its more the importance of what the food represents.

07-30-2013, 07:50 AM
Yes, it's precisely anxiety that makes my throat shut and my stomach tie in knots. I don't think I'm going to choke or suffocate, its more the importance of what the food represents.

Sorry this is happening. Cbt is good in challenging our thoughts, but it depends on how complex they are. How long has this happened if u don't mind me asking?

07-30-2013, 10:01 AM
I've tried CBT before and it hasn't helped. This food thing has been building for about 6 months but has hit it's highest intensity in the past week.

07-30-2013, 11:21 AM
I've tried CBT before and it hasn't helped. This food thing has been building for about 6 months but has hit it's highest intensity in the past week.

Maybe psychoanalysis. There's quite a few different types of therapy, all of which work for some and not for others. As u say, it's not like u are worried about your body image, so it's not anorexia nervosa or something similar, but sometimes we don't always understand the way our brain processes thoughts, stating the obvious I know.

Maybe a different therapist with a different approach. There's so many styles of psychotherapy, that I'm sure one is out there for u.

07-30-2013, 11:41 AM
can you think of anything else other than CBT? I do mindfulness but that's more for anxiety management rather than changing the way you think/see things.

07-30-2013, 12:15 PM
Hello. I have a fear of food too, but mine is more about what is in the food. I read way to much and watch a lot of documentaries, so I over inform myself. I drive my family crazy because I am always preaching to them about what is in food and how it can hurt them...LOL.
It does get very annoying though and know how cumbersome it can become. I don't really have any advice as far as how to treat this, but just wanted you to know you are not alone.

07-30-2013, 12:32 PM
can you think of anything else other than CBT? I do mindfulness but that's more for anxiety management rather than changing the way you think/see things.

Maybe neuro linguistic programming which I have spoke briefly about on here. Ideally a psychiatrist would be of more benefit. I really believe some form of psychotherapy would help as it seems u have developed a phobia/OCD type thoughts.

Not sure if u agree....?

07-30-2013, 01:29 PM
I've posted a similar topic to this but I still can't seem to shift this feeling. I'm basically scared of eating, and it's not a fear of getting fat or whatever (if anything I worry more about being underweight), it's because I over-think it to the point where I paralyse myself - analysis paralysis. I think that without food or water I will die. It's a solid fact of life, but for some reason it scares the shit out of me. I look at my breakfast/lunch/dinner and suddenly it becomes a life or death situation. I imagine myself unable to eat since my throat shuts up and then it snowballs into thinking I'll end up in hospital on a stomach pump, or death. It's a completely irrational fear that stopping me from eating properly, which is a self-fulfilling prophecy if you think about it. It causes crippling panic attacks, shaking, crying etc. - all the classic anxiety symptoms. I convince myself that I won't be able to eat and I'm going to starve to death. I've approached my doctor and she has referred me to a psychiatrist to see if my medication needs changing. I'm so scared for myself and I don't know what to do.

P.S. In terms of medicine, I'm on 20mg escitaloptam and 6mg of diazepam when I need it (during panic attacks).

I have been having really horrible panic attacks after eating, especially when i am pretty full, and I'm wondering why this is happening, I've tried CBT and found it useless, I've been to a counsellor and I used to be on citalopram 20mg and it didnt help at all. Propanolol helps a little but I have to wait for the panic attack to occur before I can take it. Anyone know what this could be?

07-30-2013, 06:01 PM
Maybe neuro linguistic programming which I have spoke briefly about on here. Ideally a psychiatrist would be of more benefit. I really believe some form of psychotherapy would help as it seems u have developed a phobia/OCD type thoughts.

Not sure if u agree....?

I would definitely label what's going on here as phobic/OCD behaviour. My anxiety has latched onto whatever subject it can and unfortunately, this is food. I've found a solution for now: eating in social situations. Since I'm talking and distracting myself with good company I find eating easier. It's when I'm on my own or having to cook for myself that things go sour. Distraction is a great help for my anxiety but obviously doesn't help at times when I have to be alone e.g. nighttime. Seeing an emergency doctor again tomorrow to put a boot up someone's arse so they can actually help me rather than continuously referring me on to someone else.

07-30-2013, 08:36 PM
I got anxiety after a cancer scare. Eating is one of the things that makes me panic. I am scared ill bleed internally as I had a hemorrhage after surgery in my stomach and almost bled to death. Gurgling in my stomach drives me nuts, and then i will start with rapid pulse and think about heart attacks. Lol it sucks. I never had anxiety problems until my health issues. Even now that I am better I can't stop worrying about getting cancer again or having a heart attack. It's stupid because I want to enjoy what time I hav left and I know rationally that when its your time it's your time and worrying about it is just wasting your life. The only advice I can give is just make yourself eat, no matter what, and every time you feel scared just remind yourself that you felt the Same way yesterday and you are still alive. After awhile, you might even start to believe it! Lol!

07-31-2013, 02:10 AM
I would definitely label what's going on here as phobic/OCD behaviour. My anxiety has latched onto whatever subject it can and unfortunately, this is food. I've found a solution for now: eating in social situations. Since I'm talking and distracting myself with good company I find eating easier. It's when I'm on my own or having to cook for myself that things go sour. Distraction is a great help for my anxiety but obviously doesn't help at times when I have to be alone e.g. nighttime. Seeing an emergency doctor again tomorrow to put a boot up someone's arse so they can actually help me rather than continuously referring me on to someone else.

Night time is horrendous for me too, and a lot of Annie sufferers. I always use my phone at night to distract myself. Our subconscious mind has been wired in a way that automatically retrieves a fearful set of emotions in response to what should be a relaxing time.

A psych is the best person to see, and as u say Cbt isn't working. Neuro linguistic programming is good or OCD/phobia but requires a lot of work and if could put someone off.

Aren't there any ways u can distract yourself when at home eating? Even if its skyping a friend or family member u trust....

07-31-2013, 04:02 AM
I have been having really horrible panic attacks after eating, especially when i am pretty full, and I'm wondering why this is happening, I've tried CBT and found it useless, I've been to a counsellor and I used to be on citalopram 20mg and it didnt help at all. Propanolol helps a little but I have to wait for the panic attack to occur before I can take it. Anyone know what this could be?

It might be worth asking your doctor if you can go on propranolol regularly/take it every day. It's a beta blocker so it should help rein in anxiety by reducing your physical symptoms e.g. racing heart. I always think prevention is better than reaction when it comes to anxiety.

07-31-2013, 04:06 AM
Night time is horrendous for me too, and a lot of Annie sufferers. I always use my phone at night to distract myself. Our subconscious mind has been wired in a way that automatically retrieves a fearful set of emotions in response to what should be a relaxing time.

A psych is the best person to see, and as u say Cbt isn't working. Neuro linguistic programming is good or OCD/phobia but requires a lot of work and if could put someone off.

Aren't there any ways u can distract yourself when at home eating? Even if its skyping a friend or family member u trust....

It's easy enough with my family around who encourage me to eat things, but I'm worried about when I go back to uni. I'll have no one to force me to eat, and I have to cook for myself which is something that I previously mentioned causes me anxiety and I have no motivation to do anyway. I guess skyping could come in handy there.

07-31-2013, 05:33 AM
Again, not wanting to state the obvious, but your thought process is the one that is causing the problems hence me saying psychotherapy.

But everyone is different, and maybe some alternative technique might work for u. Maybe setting yourself a schedule and plan of how to deal with it. Bringing yourself out your comfort zone in a structured way might help you reach your goal.

It's all about being gradual and consistent :)

08-01-2013, 06:41 AM
You're right, it's just how to go about it. I went to see someone yesterday and made it clear that nothing was helping and that I was afraid for myself. She got me an appointment with a psychiatrist tomorrow to see what's going on medication-wise. I just feel a bit at a loss as to what will actually help. I got particularly upset yesterday because I saw some images on the news of people starving in Ethiopia. It really affects me that we, in the modern world, seem to have totally forgotten how important and life-deciding food is because we have so much of it. I think this definitely contributes to why I'm scared of not being able to eat; it's shot up in importance for me.

08-01-2013, 07:03 AM
You're right, it's just how to go about it. I went to see someone yesterday and made it clear that nothing was helping and that I was afraid for myself. She got me an appointment with a psychiatrist tomorrow to see what's going on medication-wise. I just feel a bit at a loss as to what will actually help. I got particularly upset yesterday because I saw some images on the news of people starving in Ethiopia. It really affects me that we, in the modern world, seem to have totally forgotten how important and life-deciding food is because we have so much of it. I think this definitely contributes to why I'm scared of not being able to eat; it's shot up in importance for me.

I'm surprised Cbt didn't help, but sometimes it's not suitable for more complex thoughts. A psychiatrist will deffo help, and be able to sign post u appropriately. Medication might help in slowing down your thoughts and alleviating levels of anxiety, but I deffo think some form of psychoanalytical work would help.

The guilt could be partly due to anxiety or OCD, but having such an ingrained way of thinking sometimes makes it hard to distinguish. I'm sure u will get the appropriate help, but psychotherapy would deffo benefit u!