View Full Version : is anyone else the same ?

07-30-2013, 03:54 AM
Ive been suffering terrible with anxiety for almost 4-5 months now, I havent been diagnosed by dr's yet but they say that is the most likely cause im on a 7 month waiting list for a 24 hour ECG, then once thats over I get to be diagnosed. It is so annoying and dissappointing because I would of thought the drs would.rather diagnose me now, than have me go there every week complaining about something. Anyways the reason im writing this post was because I think im going slightly crazy and wanted to know if anyone else experiences the same as me? .. I cannot stand the word Heart Attack- I hate the word, makes me panic inside, and if I hear the word it ruins my whole day and I start to wonder if I will have one. I hate hearing about people dying - this also ruins my day like recently I saw on twitter that some footballer died of either a heart attack or appendicitis that turned into respiratory problems and now today im.like what if that will be me.. :'( I want to have a normal life .. I was doing soo well.coping with this anxiety now its flared up again :(

07-30-2013, 04:28 AM
Hello there I've had the same fear as you and I can understand how your feeling and yes it's not nice but I'm sure there's nothing wrong as if your docs thought there was something wrong with you they would have put your Appointment through as Urgent,are you on any Meds to help your anxiety ?

07-30-2013, 04:35 AM
Hello there I've had the same fear as you and I can understand how your feeling and yes it's not nice but I'm sure there's nothing wrong as if your docs thought there was something wrong with you they would have put your Appointment through as Urgent,are you on any Meds to help your anxiety ?

Im on propranolol. Tbh I dont think the Dr's really care about it because when I went to the drs last week they asked me how is the propranolol I said its ok for stopping the heart racing but for psychological and physical symptoms it doesnt really help much and I said im fed up of being a pill bag and he said well you can stop if you want. And that was all that was said .. but its not so.much the first part I mean the thought of hearing the word heart attack and of people dying scares me ... x

07-30-2013, 04:41 AM
Im on propranolol. Tbh I dont think the Dr's really care about it because when I went to the drs last week they asked me how is the propranolol I said its ok for stopping the heart racing but for psychological and physical symptoms it doesnt really help much and I said im fed up of being a pill bag and he said well you can stop if you want. And that was all that was said .. but its not so.much the first part I mean the thought of hearing the word heart attack and of people dying scares me ... x

The proranolol is really good as it goes,I've been on and off of that for years,tho maybe you need something else for a while to cope with your anxiety

07-30-2013, 06:02 AM
I've suffered with anxiety for years and had been keeping it under control for a while up until a week and a half ago. Since then, I've been living in hell. Like you, I hate hearing of people having heart attacks or dying, particularly young people since I'm only 25 and constantly fear that something is wrong with my heart. I have trouble even listening to songs that talk about Heaven or dying or whatever. You're not alone, and I'm glad to see neither am I.

07-30-2013, 08:58 AM
I've suffered with anxiety for years and had been keeping it under control for a while up until a week and a half ago. Since then, I've been living in hell. Like you, I hate hearing of people having heart attacks or dying, particularly young people since I'm only 25 and constantly fear that something is wrong with my heart. I have trouble even listening to songs that talk about Heaven or dying or whatever. You're not alone, and I'm glad to see neither am I.

Its ridiculous we cant even listen to something without getting worked up about it :( .. I think we should get some therapy like cbt .. i cant keep going on like this, its ruining my life xx