View Full Version : hi im new here and scared!

07-30-2013, 03:30 AM
I suffer with ocd as well as anxiety and depression, but since yesterday my anxiety has become much worse!

I have a stiff neck, and pain in my shoulder that radiates down my right arm! It coukd be just a trapped nerve, but cant stop worrying that it's something else....

Even my breathing is becoming all wierd cos I'm worrying too much :( ive made an appointment with the doctor for this afternoon, just would like some support and advice on how to stop being so preoccupied with the pain!

Keep thinking its a blood clot in my lung as I had one 5 years ago and since then every pain I have im convinced its another one :(

07-30-2013, 04:25 AM
Hello there I think it's all anxiety,it's normal to think oh you have got a clot again etc but you have not nothing is going to happen to you,are you on any Meds to help?

07-30-2013, 04:54 AM
Hello there I think it's all anxiety,it's normal to think oh you have got a clot again etc but you have not nothing is going to happen to you,are you on any Meds to help?

I am on meds have been on sertraline 100mg for 6 years since my son was born and still taking them now. I was on two contraceptives when they found the blood clot 5 years ago and said that was what caused it! Im on no contraception now, but as soon as I get that achey arm feeling, I tend to worry a lot about a blood clot again.

I do tend to worry alot about daft things, thats probably the ocd at play!

07-30-2013, 05:22 AM
I am on meds have been on sertraline 100mg for 6 years since my son was born and still taking them now. I was on two contraceptives when they found the blood clot 5 years ago and said that was what caused it! Im on no contraception now, but as soon as I get that achey arm feeling, I tend to worry a lot about a blood clot again.

I do tend to worry alot about daft things, thats probably the ocd at play!

I'm on the same as you tho only 50g I've only been on it for 8 weeks and it's working good