View Full Version : Hi all I'm new and having an attack

07-30-2013, 02:18 AM
I'm 18 and I have horrible anxiety after having my daughter almost 10 months ago. I suffer from chronic sinusitis, asthma, anxiety, and allergies. Im always thinking something is wrong with me. Lately I've been having these sharp pains in my head for about 5-10 seconds there painful and kind of dull feeling. Same with in back of my head. I'm low on iron, vit D, and sometimes C. This is the 3rd night in a row I've stayed up past midnight to scared to sleep. I'm scared its an aserymsm or tumor. And I'm scared ill die in my sleep. They really hurt and I'm having a anxiety attack. Oh and I'm ALWAYS dehydrated. Has anyone had these pains??):

07-30-2013, 02:23 AM
Hun have you spoken to your doc about suffering with migrains i get sharp pains in my head my doc said there coursed by migrains x

07-30-2013, 02:26 AM
Hun have you spoken to your doc about suffering with migrains i get sharp pains in my head my doc said there coursed by migrains x

I have and she thinks I have them. But I don't feel like those are it. There sharp one sided sometimes both sharp painful headaches. Im not sensitive to light with them, I can see fine, and walk, I don't feel sick. They just really really hurt.

07-30-2013, 02:28 AM
I have and she thinks I have them. But I don't feel like those are it. There sharp one sided sometimes both sharp painful headaches. Im not sensitive to light with them, I can see fine, and walk, I don't feel sick. They just really really hurt.

Also my ears have been hurting really bad and I have a couple cavities I havent gotten taken care of.

07-30-2013, 02:34 AM
I'm 18 and I have horrible anxiety after having my daughter almost 10 months ago. I suffer from chronic sinusitis, asthma, anxiety, and allergies. Im always thinking something is wrong with me. Lately I've been having these sharp pains in my head for about 5-10 seconds there painful and kind of dull feeling. Same with in back of my head. I'm low on iron, vit D, and sometimes C. This is the 3rd night in a row I've stayed up past midnight to scared to sleep. I'm scared its an aserymsm or tumor. And I'm scared ill die in my sleep. They really hurt and I'm having a anxiety attack. Oh and I'm ALWAYS dehydrated. Has anyone had these pains??):

First of all - yes, you need to speak to a doctor. Tell them what youre experiencing and they will tell you what you have going on. STAY AWAY FROM GOOGLE!!! lol

Are you on a vitamin regiment for your low Iron, D and C? And if you are always dehydrated (which can cause some really bad head aches) - you really need to be forcing some water down.
Deep breaths - in through nose, out through mouth. - Repeat to yourself that you're fine. Lay down in a comfortable spot - take your index and middle fingers, put them on your temples and apply a little bit of pressure - - rub in little circles. Works for tension, stress, head aches or just relaxing.
Tomorrow - call your doc. Tell him/her what youre experiencing and what you can do?
Also - are you on anything for your anxiety? If not, it might be time for something - - with a 10 m/o baby, youre going to need as much sleep as you can get!! :-)

Good luck sweetheart!

07-30-2013, 02:34 AM
Also my ears have been hurting really bad and I have a couple cavities I havent gotten taken care of.

Are you stressed at Alll cuz stress can effect your head hun x

07-30-2013, 02:39 AM
First of all - yes, you need to speak to a doctor. Tell them what youre experiencing and they will tell you what you have going on. STAY AWAY FROM GOOGLE!!! lol

Are you on a vitamin regiment for your low Iron, D and C? And if you are always dehydrated (which can cause some really bad head aches) - you really need to be forcing some water down.
Deep breaths - in through nose, out through mouth. - Repeat to yourself that you're fine. Lay down in a comfortable spot - take your index and middle fingers, put them on your temples and apply a little bit of pressure - - rub in little circles. Works for tension, stress, head aches or just relaxing.
Tomorrow - call your doc. Tell him/her what youre experiencing and what you can do?
Also - are you on anything for your anxiety? If not, it might be time for something - - with a 10 m/o baby, youre going to need as much sleep as you can get!! :-)

Good luck sweetheart!

I have been prescribed Xnax and Zoloft but I'm to scared to take either because of side effects. I'm a total mess): I'm supposed to be taking daily Vitamins but don't, I need to get on those. I've been given pain meds but also to scared to take those. I have to force myself to take medicine and then keep myself busy to not think about it. I feel like this anxiety is never going to end.

07-30-2013, 02:46 AM
I have been prescribed Xnax and Zoloft but I'm to scared to take either because of side effects. I'm a total mess): I'm supposed to be taking daily Vitamins but don't, I need to get on those. I've been given pain meds but also to scared to take those. I have to force myself to take medicine and then keep myself busy to not think about it. I feel like this anxiety is never going to end.

Anxiety will end if you truly want it to end. Now I know you are probably thinking ( of course I want it to end ) lol but what I mean Is that you have to start trusting people who have proper qualification such as doctors/psychiatrists. The medication was given to you for a reason so you have to take it and start therapy immediately if you have the means to do so ( highly recommend it ), also medication will make it easier for you therapist to work with you.
I'm sorry If I sound harsh but I don't want you to suffer I just want the best for you :)

07-30-2013, 02:48 AM
Anxiety will end if you truly want it to end. Now I know you are probably thinking ( of course I want it to end ) lol but what I mean Is that you have to start trusting people who have proper qualification such as doctors/psychiatrists. The medication was given to you for a reason so you have to take it and start therapy immediately if you have the means to do so ( highly recommend it ), also medication will make it easier for you therapist to work with you.
I'm sorry If I sound harsh but I don't want you to suffer I just want the best for you :)

Thank you. I know your not trying to be harsh. I know I need to take them but everytime I go to I have a panic attack about it. I really want to start them but I'm so scared to.

07-30-2013, 03:00 AM
I think I should probably try to sleep. The headache pains are getting worse and looking at a bright screen worrying my butt off isn't helping.

07-30-2013, 03:02 AM
Thank you. I know your not trying to be harsh. I know I need to take them but everytime I go to I have a panic attack about it. I really want to start them but I'm so scared to.

It is my pleasure. I was just like you when I took meds for the first time, the trick is to be around people when you. For some weird reason It gives you some assurance and the mind comfort, now I am sure Zoloft is an SSRI which are really same to take the down side is that they take a bit long to reach full effect but when they do you will notice and right away you will feel normal again, as if someone switch the light on :).
As per the Xanax I'm sure it was given to you take during your adjustment period to Zoloft to be taken as needed, but I warn you to be a stein from ten as much as possible as you might start to like them ( a lot ) lol..also remember we are here for you :)..

07-30-2013, 03:02 AM
Thank you. I know your not trying to be harsh. I know I need to take them but everytime I go to I have a panic attack about it. I really want to start them but I'm so scared to.

Sometimes you gotta dig down real deep and find the courage to plug forward. - - to do the things youre scared to do. You cant be scared for the rest of your life and if you dont force things sometimes, youre going to be crippled with fear - - you dont want that. ADD is right - you were prescribed those medicines for a reason - start taking them. We are all on something - - it helps. Later on in life, when you have it under control - - AND THERE IS A POINT WHERE YOU WILL - then you can come down off the meds.

TAKE YOUR VITAMINS - you are causing more damage without them! If you are having fears of death - vitamins have been known to prolong life because its what your body needs to stay healthy. These might actually calm your fears a bit - - knowing that you are replenishing your body.
And drink water - - plenty of it.

07-30-2013, 03:09 AM
Thank you guys so much. I'm claiming down. ADD your right I always take my medicine with someone around I feel safe and reassured like you said. If I'm not around someone I have a hard time taking them. The Xanax was for me to take while taking Zoloft to get the full effect. I will start them this week at least try to and make myself, at least for my daughter. She deserves a stress free happy mom. I will start Vitamins tomorrow (or tonight) night. Looks like ill be keeping this app. You guys are wonderful thank you.

07-30-2013, 03:13 AM
Thank you guys so much. I'm claiming down. ADD your right I always take my medicine with someone around I feel safe and reassured like you said. If I'm not around someone I have a hard time taking them. The Xanax was for me to take while taking Zoloft to get the full effect. I will start them this week at least try to and make myself, at least for my daughter. She deserves a stress free happy mom. I will start Vitamins tomorrow (or tonight) night. Looks like ill be keeping this app. You guys are wonderful thank you.

Yes your daughter wants her mommy to be happy :), I am sure you made the right decision. Keep us updated I would like to know that you are doing better :). Cheers.

07-30-2013, 03:14 AM
Sometimes you gotta dig down real deep and find the courage to plug forward. - - to do the things youre scared to do. You cant be scared for the rest of your life and if you dont force things sometimes, youre going to be crippled with fear - - you dont want that. ADD is right - you were prescribed those medicines for a reason - start taking them. We are all on something - - it helps. Later on in life, when you have it under control - - AND THERE IS A POINT WHERE YOU WILL - then you can come down off the meds.

TAKE YOUR VITAMINS - you are causing more damage without them! If you are having fears of death - vitamins have been known to prolong life because its what your body needs to stay healthy. These might actually calm your fears a bit - - knowing that you are replenishing your body.
And drink water - - plenty of it.

I second every word you said :), especially the Vitamins part!!

07-30-2013, 07:32 AM
So I wake up this morning and I still have those pains!!! I did only get 4 hours sleep cause of the baby. Now I'm worrying again.

07-30-2013, 08:03 AM
Still happening):

07-30-2013, 08:03 AM
This is 3rd morning I wake up with them. And they last all day

07-30-2013, 08:09 AM
So I wake up this morning and I still have those pains!!! I did only get 4 hours sleep cause of the baby. Now I'm worrying again.

Your body is going to try to trick you. People without anxiety experience pains - unexplainable pains but they pay no mind to it because its slight. People WITH anxiety experience these same pains only we notice - - so it makes it 10X worse. Its part of the disorder. We are subconsciously looking for pains everywhere in our bodies. This is why you need to take your meds. They are going to help you through these pains - to look at them with a clear head. My pains are in my arms - so I immediately think Im having a stroke or a heart attack. I have been to (no joke) 8 doctors about my heart and they all say the same thing - - Im healthy. There is nothing wrong with my heart. What I just explained to you - it was explained to me about 6 months ago - - and since then I have been able to take on my anxiety instead of it taking me on. When I experience a pain, I push through it.

Another quarky thing that works for me (and for others- as I have read their ideas) is to put a "face to the name" - - imagine your anxiety is something. I goblin, a blob of color that you dont like, a being that would really turn you off. Picture this thing in your head when you are having an anxiety attack. Then, fight it. Tell it that you are in charge. Sometimes its going to be stubborn and fight back harder - - sometimes its going to try to make you think its winning. But dont let it. BE IN CHARGE. Push through - dont let it win.

Take your meds, love. Take your vitamins. CALL YOUR DOCTOR. Get a referral to a specialist. Reclaim your life!!!