View Full Version : Tiny, painful lump in breast

07-29-2013, 04:54 PM
Ugh, just what I needed, a new health anxiety fear.

Last night I was doing a breast exam and noticed a tiny, yet painful lump in my right breast, just nestled near a bone (I don't know much about human skeletal anatomy and won't bother trying to pretend I know which bone I am talking about...I think it might be a rib under the lower curve of my breast). Anyway, I recoiled my hand from the surprising pain and then tried to locate the lump again so that I would remember where exactly it was to consult a physician. I couldn't find it again, but now I am super worried that its breast cancer. I am pretty sure it wasn't a lymph node because it was smaller than anything I have encountered during self-exams yet. I emailed my doctor describing the experience and she recommended that I visit her next week if the lump is still there. I don't know if I would be able to find it again, but of course my anxiety is telling me that it could be a malignant tumor that will spread if I don't get it diagnosed soon enough. This is so frustrating :'(

07-29-2013, 06:03 PM
I have the same worry all the time. Most likely it will be a cyst - they are very common

07-29-2013, 10:12 PM
Ugh, just what I needed, a new health anxiety fear.

Last night I was doing a breast exam and noticed a tiny, yet painful lump in my right breast, just nestled near a bone (I don't know much about human skeletal anatomy and won't bother trying to pretend I know which bone I am talking about...I think it might be a rib under the lower curve of my breast). Anyway, I recoiled my hand from the surprising pain and then tried to locate the lump again so that I would remember where exactly it was to consult a physician. I couldn't find it again, but now I am super worried that its breast cancer. I am pretty sure it wasn't a lymph node because it was smaller than anything I have encountered during self-exams yet. I emailed my doctor describing the experience and she recommended that I visit her next week if the lump is still there. I don't know if I would be able to find it again, but of course my anxiety is telling me that it could be a malignant tumor that will spread if I don't get it diagnosed soon enough. This is so frustrating :'(

SAME WORRY!! I've had pain in my left breast for years.

07-29-2013, 11:26 PM
I have off-and-on monthly breast inflammation with pain that corresponds to my menstruation, so that has never worried me. Finding that tiny lump, poking it, and then having it hurt really freaked me out, though, and just knowing it might be hiding somewhere I can't find it now makes me worried!

07-30-2013, 08:09 AM
A few weeks ago I was absolutely one hundred and ten percent certain I had found a lump in my left breast and that went I went in for my annual exam they were going to find something...my mind was racing constantly with thoughts of breast cancer. I kept pressing around to try and find it...couldn't always, sometimes it was there and sometimes it wasn't...and the more I did it the more sore it got. Went in for the exam and asked the doc about it, so she did the breast exam as thoroughly as possible and found nothing. It sort of ended up being another reminder and reassurance that anxiety really can get a hold of you to such an extreme point.

07-30-2013, 01:37 PM
From what I remember a cancer lump will be painless. My wife had a lump that was painless. It scared the hell out of both of us. The doctor did a biopsy because it was a painless lump. Lumps in the breast are pretty common. They are almost always fatty tissue, which was the case with my wife.