View Full Version : Bad anxiety

07-29-2013, 01:05 PM
I have had anxiety for quite some time but the last few months I have been able to pinpoint the exact cause. Now I just need help how to overcome the anxiety!!!!

The cause:
Anytime I have to deal with my husbands ex wife/stepsons mom. She treats me horrible, harassing me. I've only ever loved her son like my own and given him a great home environment. Yet, so much tension is present anytime we have to deal with her. I hate not being able to just have a friendly civil convo with her. She thinks that I am not in the picture because I don't have rights to the child. Although I do not have rights to my stepson, I DO have a right to a positive relationship with him as my husband and I create a loving family environment for him. My step sons mom literally thinks I'm the worst person in the world and I get anxiety whenever my husband or I have to deal with her. She thinks that everything we do for my stepson is to make her mad or "out-do" her. When truly it's only for my stepson. Ex: we signed him up for football so my husband could coach him and she threw a fit even tho this is what the child wanted. She's mad because SHE didn't sign him up first and doesn't want my husband to coach him. My husband is very supportive and does what he can but inside I'm so anxious and it affects my home life and my parenting to my other two children. Someone please help! Am I alone?

I know by pinpointing the cause I am one step closer to helping myself.

07-29-2013, 01:21 PM
I forgot to add......

The feeling of anxiety that I get makes my mind fill with so many thoughts that I cannot weed just one out. It feels debilitating and I cannot make decisions. I start to feel sick to my stomach and have difficulty breathing. Feels like 1000 lbs on my chest and shoulders. Feels like I'm a fish out of water. I begin to shake and my vision gets blurry. Crazy that anxiety can do so many negative things to the human body. Can't be healthy.