View Full Version : social anxiety

07-29-2013, 10:04 AM
how have people getting over social anxiety if they have? I miss going on busses and to malls and stuff :(

07-29-2013, 10:10 AM
how have people getting over social anxiety if they have? I miss going on busses and to malls and stuff :(

I miss that never leave my house :( x

07-29-2013, 10:24 AM
I had social phobia during my teenage years mainly because of depersonalization/derealization that I had during that time. I would walk into a crowded place and would lose focus on everyone. It would seem like everyone was walking too fast or too slow. It was scary because they looked all shimmery and unreal. I knew it not so bad though because non animate objects would still look normal. I would look at a wall or a chair to calm myself down because those things looked normal. It's just the people and the animals were all weird.

Going to talk therapy really worked. I learned some CBT skills which really helped. Meds helped me for a little while also. Knowing that this wasn't going to kill me and it doesn't last forever really helped me get better. I stopped being scared and now occasionally I get this way and I get scared for a little bit but then tell myself it is going to be okay.

07-29-2013, 10:28 AM
I miss that never leave my house :( x

You can't let anxiety get the best of you like this :( . I used up months of my life that I can't get back again because of anxiety. Every time I would think I was going to die or lose control but thank God I am here. I started thinking I was going to die when I was 10 years old. This was 14 years ago. I just recently learned to cope with it 2 years ago so for 12 years I was suffering. No more, I want to get better and stay better.

07-29-2013, 10:51 AM
did u get better with meds? It's just wen I get asked to go a place I used to go too I get shakey heart palps feel sick. I think it's me thinking If I go somewhere not near home and feel ill I'd be stuck :/

07-29-2013, 11:58 AM
did u get better with meds? It's just wen I get asked to go a place I used to go too I get shakey heart palps feel sick. I think it's me thinking If I go somewhere not near home and feel ill I'd be stuck :/

Well just recently I felt the same way as you did. I had a massive break down and I was scared to go outside. Before this I loved to go to the park but even that was something that gave me anxiety when I thought about it. And if I did go outside I would have to make sure I have my phone so I can call 911 if there is an emergency or if I needed to call my sister. Also I have to know where the nearest hospital is before I decide to go somewhere far away. It became very annoying because I would reject my friends requests to hang out. Going on the train would be horrible because I would have a panic attack thinking I will fall into the tracks! Before this I planned on going away to vacation by myself in a different state but now I am scared to go to a couple of blocks away from my home.

Meds did work for me but made me a little dull so I decided to just go outside. I mean it will be nerve wrecking in the beginning but that's basically how I got over it. I had a couple of friends with me at first to help me and then later I started to go outside on my own each time a little bit further from my house. Meds will make your anxiety lower but ultimately it is up to you if you choose to do whatever you can to get past this. Slowly you will see that you are not going to die from your shakey heart palp feelings and you will start to relax more. You just can't stay home all the time. We are meant to go outside and get some fresh air, we need the sunshine and the vitamin D from it. We need to work, go to school, hang out with friends and see the beauty in life. We also need to exercise which is one of the best natural ways to get rid of the anxiety.