View Full Version : Shaky day

07-29-2013, 09:54 AM
For the first time in ages I have had a full day if jitteriness - butterflies in stomach, pounding heart, eye focusing problems, shakiness and generally feeling like crap.
I have had a few stresses - my dad has been in hospital today for tests and had to be put to sleep for them, but he was given a clean bill of health so if that was what was making me anxious, surely I should be feeling calmer now? It's early evening and I'm still feeling shitty((( advice peeps. X

07-29-2013, 01:05 PM
I've had this constant on/off anxiety today so I can relate. Your worries will hopefully pass soon. For me it takes a while but when I get that first good day the anxiety starts to go away.

07-29-2013, 01:10 PM
Although it doesn't make anxiety totally go away, it seems to help for the moment but I always take a few deep breaths and count my blessings! Chin up!