View Full Version : SpacePhobia

10-08-2007, 06:34 AM
After suffering from Anxiety and De realization for over a week I started panicing about being in space and that I was on a planet

Has anyone else had these thoughts

10-08-2007, 07:24 AM
not so much about being in space, but I've thought like how do I know other countries exist etc if Im not there! All mad stuff, just tired mind I reckon!

10-08-2007, 01:35 PM
Richard, I get derealized and start thinking about the universe and it really freaks me out. I'll be like "why am I alive" or "what happens when I die?". I've also thought about how weird it is to be on a planet. It's pointless to think about these things though. Just try to distract your brain with more productive thoughts.

10-08-2007, 01:49 PM
Its good to know Im not the only one who thinks this stuff.
I guess eventually I'll just get bored of thinking about it.
I know it can't hurt me that we are in a big galaxy on a little ball going found the sun, but can't get a grip on what is actually scaring me about this. Unless its just a feeling of being insignificant that scares me, not sure. Or is it just my brain thats not good at the moment and once I get that right the thoughts will go

10-09-2007, 07:20 AM
Hey Richard,

Existentialism is a freak out no matter who you are or how calm your foundation. We don't have all the answers for our existence and the fear of lack of purpose feeds that anxiety. Some things have not answer and if dwelling on them makes you nervous, then it's best to learn the art of distracting or controlling what your brain thinks about. You do have a choice as to what you think about. Although, consecutive thought is one of the most laborious tasks known to man.


10-09-2007, 10:06 AM
So whats the best thing to do then talk about this stuff with other people,
block it out or just accept it ?

10-09-2007, 06:02 PM
As I said in my post about weird thoughts and feelings, this is really nothing more than reacting with fear to thoughts that are actually quite normal. These thoughts occur from time to time even without anxiety. But without anxiety, you are able to rationalize them, let them pass, or perhaps even make something interesting or enjoyable out of them. With anxiety, they take on a fearful note, often making you feel that you are going crazy. And because they are fearful, your brain locks onto them and makes them stick and return often - all because your brain was MADE to do this in order to protect you against threats (which is how it is viewing these thoughts). Try to accept the thoughts, stay calm, and pay these thoughts little to no attention. Recognize them as just an anxiety symptom.

10-10-2007, 06:28 AM
So these thoughts are not actually causing the anxiety they are been caused by the anxiety itself and just adding to the worry.

So once I give my Brain time to relax and recover the thoughts should just past?

I do admit the thoughts don't cause me as much panic as before, more a feeling of "Errrr I dont really like that" so I guess Im getting better, Im also feeling alot more here now, not as much dream like.

I do notice that I get better towards the end of the day, but then seems to drop back a little again in the morning. Is this normal and can you recommend anything to help with this



10-10-2007, 07:22 AM
So these thoughts are not actually causing the anxiety they are been caused by the anxiety itself and just adding to the worry.

So once I give my Brain time to relax and recover the thoughts should just past?

I do admit the thoughts don't cause me as much panic as before, more a feeling of "Errrr I dont really like that" so I guess Im getting better, Im also feeling alot more here now, not as much dream like.

I do notice that I get better towards the end of the day, but then seems to drop back a little again in the morning. Is this normal and can you recommend anything to help with this



The thoughts are not really caused by the anxiety. The thoughts simply come about because your brain tends to think about random things at times. It's kind of like the way that you might spontaneously think about an old Sesame Street episode you saw as a child while hiking up a 14000 foot peak (and yes, this HAS happened to me). Rather, your anxiety state is causing you to react to these thoughts with fear. And when they become fearful, your brain tends to focus in on them, which causes these thoughts to be persistent and recurrent. Why does this happen? Because the brain was MEANT to do this. By focusing on REAL threats and remembering them, you increase your odds of survival since it forces you to deal with them.

Of course, scary thoughts about, say, space and time or the vastness of the universe are hardly theatening. And without anxiety, they can possibly make for some interesting conversation around a campfire. But when you have anxiety, they become fearful, and looked at as a threat. You might fear them because they seem like they could make you go crazy. On the other hand, not reacting to them with fear and letting them pass trains your brain not to be fearful of the thoughts. And if you are not fearful of them, your brain will no longer zero in on them. This is not to say they won't ever return. But they won't be so persistent. Also, by not being fearful, you will help your brain to recover from the anxiety state in general. And as you DO recover, you will find that you become less fearful of spontaneous thoughts.

As for feeling better at the end of the day than the morning, this is actually quite common for people with depression and anxiety. In fact, Claire Weekes refers to this as the 'dreaded morning feeling'. Her recommendation is to 'float' through it. In other words, try your best not to let this feeling hold you back or actively fight it, while you go about doing what you normally do when you get up. Listening to enjoyable, upbeat music when you get up might help as well.

10-10-2007, 08:14 AM
Thanks thats really helpful and does make sense, the problem is at the moment it seems impossible to forget about these thoughts and to feel OK with them, I guess though if it wasn't space I thought of it would have been something else instead, ie death or the meaning of life or something else like that.

I do keep telling myself I've alway known stuff about space, infact people go to work and do it for a job, I just can't get my head round what is actually scaring me about it. It can't come and stab me or jump on me or cause any harm what so ever to me so why am I been so stupid.

Sorry to ramble on like this but I feel its better out than in


10-10-2007, 03:55 PM
I went for a walk tonight with my Partner and decided to spend some time looking into the sky at the stars as soon as i did this the thoughts I had in my head seemed to have no power anymore I lso had a look through the telescope as well, I guessed if Im thinking about the stuff all day long I may as well make some kind of pleasure from it.
Now I've returned home the thoughts are still there but don't seem as powerfull.

10-10-2007, 04:53 PM
As I said, it is the fear of these thoughts that makes them stick. It's kind of similar to how thoughts of a final exam might stick in your mind if/when this is something you face. If the thought ceases to become fearful, it becomes forgotten.

10-18-2007, 06:34 AM
Hi I thought I'd give an update on how I am feeling

I feel a lot more here now, not as much in a dream world which is good I suppose.

THe thoughts that seemed to have got generated regarding space and the universe are still there and I find myself constantly checking them to see if they still bother me which is anoying but seems to be automatic, so any suggestions on stopping this would be good.

Im on citalpram 30mg and have been for the last 3 weeks I was on 20mg before after an episode 2 yrs ago and remained on them.
My Doctor has also given me Trifluoperzine 1mg which I've never really heard of before to take the edge off when Im feeling bad

10-21-2007, 12:28 PM
After suffering from Anxiety and De realization for over a week I started panicing about being in space and that I was on a planet

Has anyone else had these thoughts

haha yeahh I have. Hmm, this feels like theres a few people who are thinking the same as me.

I don't like to look at the sky because I think oh shit where on a planet and this isn't right or something, can't explain the thought actually. But it's ruining my life :/

10-23-2007, 07:43 PM
You're just going to have to come to terms with being on a planet. There's nothing you can do to change it. Everyone else is on a planet too. It's not like you're alone on a giant planet by yourself!

10-29-2007, 07:31 AM

Well its been 5 weeks now since my anxiety started and I am indeed starting to feel alot better.
I've found out that it wasn't actually the thoughts it was how my head was feeling that was causing them to bother me

10-29-2007, 07:48 AM
It wasn't the fact that Im on a planet that was bothering me, it was where that planet was.
I was getting a kind of zomm back image in my head going back away from the earth and seeing that while Im sat here now we are actually going round in a giant spiral galaxy traveling through space.
Before this happend this sort of stuff was just a little far out to me and a little hard for my mind to take in but since my anxiety started I thought about it more and more and it started to freak me out. I know it could 't hurt me but for some reason it scared me