View Full Version : Feeling rubbish and pains !!!

07-29-2013, 04:48 AM
So today I have woken up had a lazy day doing not a lot! I tried to do some cleaning by feel out of breath now when I take a breath in I get this pain just under my right side of my chest any one else had this before ??

07-29-2013, 04:57 AM
I get it hun, dont panic hun its fine if you have been having a lazy day then sunddenly done something you have a pulled a mucles just massarge it gently and dont panic, put something funny on tv and take you mind off it x

07-29-2013, 05:11 AM
Thank you I'm not sure if its heartburn or something but I haven't eaten a lot today so I'm not us,re if it is x

07-29-2013, 05:25 AM
I had it last week for a few days under left breast. doctors say it's muscle strain :/ just to take ibuprofen n try deep heat that worked for me x