View Full Version : Hair falling out??
07-29-2013, 04:37 AM
Does anyone find there hair falls out alot more than normal, i was told anxiety and stress can make if fall out, my hairs gone reali thin :( xoxo
Does anyone find there hair falls out alot more than normal, i was told anxiety and stress can make if fall out, my hairs gone reali thin :( xoxo
I think that can be an increase of esterogen Hun stress can rise hormone levels and they take ther toll on our bodies :( it's crap isn't it that our life's are ruled by worry panic and fear :( but I think it would help more if ther wer positive stuff on here to make us smile cuz with uz sufferes we read about another ailment then we also get it lol
07-29-2013, 06:06 AM
Thats true, i love this site tho when i feel reali anxious i come on hear and helping someone rlse or talking to sum one else on hear reali helps x
07-29-2013, 06:10 AM
My hair is really thin and just falls out due to stress and anxiety, it horriable what anxiety can do to your body.
Thats true, i love this site tho when i feel reali anxious i come on hear and helping someone rlse or talking to sum one else on hear reali helps x
I'd like to see more positives tho about things people have managed to go today or things they want to do and are slowly achieving it because positive reinforcement is amazing ;) and we all need it ;)
07-29-2013, 06:17 AM
My hair is really thin and just falls out due to stress and anxiety, it horriable what anxiety can do to your body.
I know, i dont feel so alone anymore now i use this site x
Like me today I've ad a relaxing day with my children made breakfast and dinner for them got them dressed. I feel a little panicky not much but cuz I'm tierd and I've to go to gne hospital infuses my feelings but I've to drive to pick my hubby up and then go hospital also need to get sum shopping too. The more I think about it the more it becomes a chore and a task as hard as it is I'm gna get in my car soon I no I'm gna worry in case I panic but if I do ile put my hubby in loud speaker put my sun glasses on so I feel as tho no one can see me but I will do it because I have to I hate having to worry this way nd how everything I used to do do easy before has become so hard :( but I'm not gna let it beat me
07-29-2013, 03:51 PM
On a quick side note; have you had your vitamin D levels checked? Deficiency can cause anxiety and hair thinning.
07-29-2013, 11:48 PM
I get SO scared my hair is thinning. Everyone says it isnt. That its as thick as its always been. But I dont believe anyone, not even the small, realistic voice in my head that says my gair is fine. I constantly check for bald spots. Just the though of it turns my stomach. Its to the point of me counting each hair I lose. Literally. I count how many fall out in 24 hours. Im scared I could get alopecia. I cant even think about it too long without a panic attack. I just have to refocus. I try to tell myself stressing over it isnt helping but that doesnt stop my mind from freaking.
07-30-2013, 09:25 AM
My hair is a mess and I'm sure it's from the stress and anxiety. I've tried so much to get it healthy again but it's falling out and broken all over the place. It's not helping my stress and anxiety to look in the mirror and see that ugly mess on my head, you know? I feel emotionally ugly enough, I don't need physically ugly too!
07-30-2013, 09:39 AM
My hair is a mess and I'm sure it's from the stress and anxiety. I've tried so much to get it healthy again but it's falling out and broken all over the place. It's not helping my stress and anxiety to look in the mirror and see that ugly mess on my head, you know? I feel emotionally ugly enough, I don't need physically ugly too!
I feel exactly the same my hair is horrible where it falls out and everytime I look in the mirror I think I look ugly and it makes me even more depressed and upset.
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