View Full Version : Scared a bat bit me :( can't take the anxiety anymore!!

07-28-2013, 07:10 PM
I have this horrible fear of the Rabies virus and have taken some time off from work and school to heal myself. A friend of mine decided to take me to a large city park where we went to wooded areas. I had on a short sleeved shirt. We had fun and she did more exploring than I did, I was too scared of the bugs that were flying around. This happened two weeks ago.

I woke up this morning with my arm tingling (maybe because I was lying on it) and it hurts when I extend my arm (my muscle) and I seen two little red dots together on my wrist that looks like bite marks that were itching! Now when I drink water my throat closes up and I panic because I think I am developing the symptoms of rabies (the hydrophobia). I am also feeling a little sick, my throat is hurting a little bit.

Now I think I have been bitten by a bat while I was at the park with my friend. Even though I haven't seen a bat, I heard that they don't hurt when they bite and their bites are not that noticeable.

I also took a new vitamin supplement and am thinking I am going to die from an allergic reaction then I start to think that would be better than getting rabies. I am so tired of this. This is destroying my mind :(

07-28-2013, 08:24 PM
You'd know if you had been bitten, don't you think? That's something you wouldn't forget. You said yourself you haven't even seen a bat.... Just irrational thinking.

07-29-2013, 02:07 AM
Anxiety is an s.o.b