View Full Version : Alcohol + Anxiety

10-08-2007, 05:23 AM
Hey I used to drink a lot, not dependantly just socially at the weekend n that when I was single, I suppose you could call it binge drinking! However in recent months I haven't drank much at all in an effort to beat this anxiety/depression. My doctor also told me to avoid alcohol on my medication. But I thought i was feeling ok and not being able to go for a pint with my friends or take my girl out for a drink was possibly gettin me down even more. So I had a few pints on saturday night with the boys, wasnt a good plan! Set me off again really. Gonna have to try those alcohol free beers for a bit, cos too many soft drinks makes you feel disgusting and I like the feeling/ taste of a beer. Its hard when my social circles + gf pressure me to go out. Cos lack of socialising aint gonna help me, weird vicious circle hey! Just wanna kno how many of you drink!

10-08-2007, 09:01 AM
Hi Joey,

I try to drink only on the weekends in very very controlled amounts. When I was fighting to end my panic attacks, i avoided alchohol altogether. However, now that i have control over my panic attacks, i am more comfortable having a social drink with friends now and again.

My advice is be careful. If you are just starting to try to end your panic attacks, the safest bet is to avoid the drinking completely. Once you know you have control and don't have to worry about panic attacks creeping up, then you can decide for yourself if you can handle drinking.

In the meantime, your number one priority should be your health. And that starts with doing everything you can to manage your anxiety.

Best Regards,

10-08-2007, 03:31 PM
i am the same way, when my friends go out to the bar ill go, but ill be really nervous about going because i dont wanna freak out there, but how much did you drink? i usually end up getting smashed and forgetting about it..let me know

mr panic man
10-10-2007, 04:29 PM
hello i suffer from from GAD in a bad way but if i dident have the weekend to look farward to n to jus go out get smashed n forget about it 4 a bit i wud be in a worce position i think but i will also say monday n tuesday are a lot more ruff with ma anxiety because of this but i think its worth it i wudent have a life if i dident go out wud jus be work