View Full Version : What has been helping me

07-28-2013, 09:43 AM
Well, let me first say Im not cured, not even close. Ive been on 10 mg celexa for going on 6 weeks now. The first 3-4 weeks were hell. I was pretty much bed bound with anxiety. Im not going to list any symptoms because we all know what they are and how we react with them. I got myself busy. I got out of bed one day..said to hell with it and started doing things. Id drive around the block, mow the yard, work in the garage etc. Im still going through panic disorder with agoraphobia but its getting better. It took a lot for me to do. Ive been dealing with this for 20 years. I noticed that if I just layed there the symptoms were all there. Getting myself busy has helped a lot. Even if its something small, stay busy.