View Full Version : Control

07-28-2013, 04:10 AM
I've suffered panic attacks on and off since I was 13 still managed to get on with my life bar 2 occasions which is now and about 10 yrs ago stressful situations that are prolonged stress will set me off. But I was speaking to my mum yesterday wen I was having a panic attack as she always calms me dwn as she used to suffer nd agoraphobia to but no longer does ;). Well any way she said to me you are a very strong minded woman u always have been u would not let another person control you would you? I said no would I hell she replied well do not let this control u u have done it before and can do it again. She also said how she regrets all the years she waisted in panic she lives now and enjoys life to the full she's amazed me at stuff she has done. So we can all do this if we can train our minds to worry and panic we can surely train them to relax and go with the flow what ever will be will be why should we live in constant fear or worry about things that may never ever happen to uz or worry the unknown just let the unknown be unknown. We are born to die but we are also born to live and enjoy ;) so why do we not live and forget the unknown and beat this