View Full Version : anxiety symptoms and worry

07-27-2013, 10:56 AM
After a few trying months this past fall I reached a point where I was able to feel a lot more like my old self (barring a few low level anxiety moments over the past 5 months or so). A few nights ago I woke up with the type anxiety I had been experiencing in my worst of times, it went away, and I was able to get back to sleep that night. Since that night i've had some mid level anxiety throughout days, but also a lot of time of normalcy, and this has led me to wonder if my symptoms are pure anxiety or something else. Basically when I get anxiety the only physically symptom I feel is a weight in the chest, or in my darkest times a numbing of the back of the neck and arms. But the thing that scares me is where my mental state goes during anxiety. I basically feel like things are bad, I look around me and think to myself "I don't like this, everything around me is bad". This train of thought leads me to worry that I have a bad mental problem, and that it's going to continue to spiral out of control to the point of hospitalization. During (what I consider to be) anxiety attacks my depressive psyche is what feeds the anxiety, since my fear and worry is over the possibility that I have a depression issue that could end in my death (i.e. suicide). I normally am a passionate person in life, albeit a bit lazy at times, but I have plenty to live for, and plenty of lust for life itself, so my fears are somewhat irrational.

I suppose the purpose of this post was to see if anyone here has this more mental like anxiety that I go through, since reading through posts here I see a lot of people bring up things such as heartbeat, dizziness, nausea in regards to anxiety, while I've not experienced these sort of symptoms.